Monday, March 19, 2007

The New Thing

Aneta and I are so excited about this week. It has been on our hearts for the past year to launch a home group – finally, this Wednesday will be our first meeting. Right now we are sensing great things as we work in conjunction with the Emerging Generation Ministries at our church. There is another wonderful couple and a single gal who will also be launching a group at the same time. There is a pervading sense that God is doing something even greater than what we can initially discern at this time. Something is brewing in the heart of God to unleash upon this generation in this hour. Possibly, we may be the harbinger of this New Thing.

I want to ask you to read a posting that I put on "The New Thing" blog that we've started for these groups.

For His Cause,

Brian Francis Hume

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Francis Asbury

Today Aneta and I were able to visit today the original site of the George Arnold House located just twenty minutes from our home. The house itself is no longer there, but there is a marker on the exact spot where the house once stood. You may be wondering what is so special about this former house. Firstly it is the house where Francis Asbury passed away on March 31, 1816. Secondly, George Arnold was an ancestor on my mom’s side of the family. We’re scouring documents to try to determine if he is indeed a direct forefather or if he is the brother of our forefathers. Nonetheless, I’m awed that this man – Father of American Methodism – died in the home of my ancestors here in Spotsylvania County. Needless to say, this visit was very special to me.

It was a two years ago when I learned this information, which impacted me deeply. Francis Asbury is considered to be the father of American Methodism, sent to the colonies by John Wesley. Bishop Asbury was instrumental in raising up a whole generation of circuit riders who greatly influenced the newly formed Nation. I don’t think it was an accident that this mantle came to rest in the home of my ancestors here outside Fredericksburg. I’ve been to Baltimore twice over the past two years where they reburied Asbury to learn more about this apostolic vessel. I’ve also have been fervently crying out for the apostolic mantle to train and release a new generation of circuit revivalists who are completely set apart unto the Lord.

Are you called to be a part of this emerging generation of circuit revivalists to change the world as we know it today?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Profile: Benjamin Keys

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Recently I reconnected with a guy who is passionately in love with the Lord, Benjamin Keys. I have met this young man only a few times. The first time was in 2001 when I was invited to preach at a young adults’ meeting (Floodgates) in Manassas, Virginia. At the beginning of the meeting I had this recurring prophetic sense concerning the young man to my immediate left. The thrust of this stirring was that his calling was intricately tied to a priestly function. At some point during the message I turned to this guy and started prophesying to him. I recall declaring I Peter 2:9 over him – But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into this wonderful light. At the conclusion of the message he came up to me to share his story. Benjamin had recently come to the Lord. The whole priesthood thing struck a chord in his heart because his mother came from a Jewish family in Hungary. His great-grandparents were captives in the Auschwitz concentration camp during the Second World War.

Since that time I had only seen Benjamin Keys several times from a distance. Another interesting twist in this story occurred in 2003 when Aneta and I were staying with my parents as we transitioned to Fredericksburg, Virginia. One day while at the grocery store to pick up a few things, I noticed a lady and my prophetic radar kicked in. There was something about destiny written on this woman. I walked to another part of the store and I told the Lord that I would approach her if she was leaving the store the same time I did. Well, sure enough, this lady was going out the door the exact same time I was. I proceeded to strike a conversation with her, saying something to the effect that I sense that the Lord has a special purpose/plan for her life. Long story short, I found out that this lady was Benjamin Key’s mother! I couldn’t believe it, I was stunned! Now it made sense why the Lord was speaking to my heart when I saw this woman.

Recently his grandmother passed away in Hungary. Since that time he has received the diary of his great-grandmother, which was written during her atrocious ordeal in the Auschwitz concentration camp. The diary is written in Hungarian. As I shared earlier, my prophetic word over him concerned his calling as a priest unto the Lord. Before his grandmother passed away Ben learned that roughly five generations back, his family had the name Cohen. This word in the Hebrew is the literal rendering of priest. When reading the Torah, the word priest is the word Kohen. Let’s look at a passage in Exodus 28:

Have Aaron your brother brought to you from among the Israelites, along with his sons Nadab and Abihu, Eleaszer and Ithamar, so they may serve me as priests. (Kohen) Make sacred garments for your brother Aaron, to give him dignity and honor. Tell all the skilled men to whom I have given wisdom in such matters that they are to make garments for Aaron, for his consecration, so he may serve me as priest. (Kohen) – Exodus 28:1-3

Now Benjamin is in Wrightsville, North Carolina. This young man is an extremely gifted artist who spent time at prestigious art schools in Chicago and Italy. Currently he earns his living as a full-time artist. His beautiful paintings on his website reveal the gift that he has been given. He firmly believes that he is called to minister through his paintbrush. Many have tried to sway him to seek out traditional forms of leadership within the Body of Christ, but he has remained steadfast in his commitment to minister unto the Lord through his painting. Priests are those who understand the value of ministering unto the Lord. Truly it delights the Father’s heart when he creates something that reflects the beauty and grandeur of our amazing and holy God.

In the past year Benjamin has endured the dark night of the soul. He was diagnosed with cancer last fall and proceeded to have the tumor removed. He also went through several weeks of radiation treatment right before Christmas. The doctors have given him a positive report regarding his health – however, it can still be a lingering concern. I would like to ask those in the Body of Christ to contact him during this tough season for him. Possibly the Lord would have you give him a prophetic word for him; or, possibly you have a story about your own dark night of the soul that you came through. Also, we are trying to locate someone who could possibly translate the diary of his great-grandmother from Hungarian to English. Please consider contacting him if you know of anyone trustworthy:
(910) 431-3856
233 Beech St. Wilmington NC 28405

May his story encourage you to minister unto the Lord in all that you do!

For His Cause,

Brian Francis Hume

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Dead Still Speak

Read biographies of God’s great men. Try to read at least one book a month. These dead still speak. Time proves a man’s work. Dwell on the lives of those who had power with God and prevailed. Look for secrets of their Christian walk. What did these men have that you can develop? - Winkie Pratney, Youth Aflame

Over the years I have read countless number of stirring biographies and autobiographies that contained fresh morsels for my journey at that given time. Apart from times of seeking God’s face through prayer and the Scriptures, a good riveting account of a saint from a bygone era will do wonders for my soul. Currently I am delving into The Heart of Asbury’s Journals (edited by Ezra Tipple) - as written by Francis Asbury. He is the called the Father of American Methodism. This treasure was a gift to me when I graduated recently from Regent University.

Years ago (‘96ish) while researching at the James Madison University library for a term paper, a blue book caught my eye. I can’t recall the title, but I can vividly recount the story about Asbury braving the harsh climate to reach a home where he was to preach. This entailed going through a marshy swampland despite the enduring poor health that plagued him at that time. This account left an indelible impression upon me. Although brief, this window captured the commitment of our spiritual forefather in spite of great odds and adversity. My struggles as a college student no longer seemed to be looming larger than life as I properly contextualize my current situation. So whenever I find myself in a difficult season, I often will turn to biographies to glean from seasoned men and women of God who endured much for the Cause of Christ. Hence, I am both humbled and inspired; broken, yet compelled; in awe, but challenged.

Here are a few that I have read:

Rees Howell Intercessor by Norman Grubb

The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun - this is a modern day account

Forgotten Founding Father: Heroic Legacy of George Whitefield by Stephen Mansfield

Before We Kill and Eat You: The Miracles and Adventures of a Pioneer Missionary Couple in Africa by H.B. Garlock

Do you have any that you would recommend reading? I'm always open to finding great biographies to read!

For His Cause,

Brian Francis Hume

Friday, March 2, 2007

Delivered to Serve!

I want to share a few more thoughts regarding the Awaken the Dawn conference that took place two weeks ago. Sometimes hindsight will do wonders regarding a corporate gathering like ATD. A year ago at the ATD conference my world was turned upside down due primarily to the preaching of Allen Hood (Director of the Forerunner School of Ministry in KC). He preached a Gospel that was uncompromising, which was the heartcry of my own spirit. Responding to the message I had a tremendous encounter with the Lord that was life transforming. The Lord was so gracious to me, breaking off a spirit of shame that had plagued me for years. The Father heard the deep cry of my heart that yearned so much to live completely for His glory. It was Him that my heart so intensely desired, but felt so utterly incapable of loving Him! God has placed that yearning deep within our spirits.

Prior to the conference, I told Aneta that I was willing to do whatever it took to get free. It got a little wild up front as the Lord dealt with the demonic oppression, which had created such intense agony, frustration, and pain in my soul. Marty Wilson from San Diego and Ed Hackett (IHOP-KC) were so gracious, yet firm, in praying over me. It was a work of grace. Previous to this life-changing encounter, I fought so hard for so long to enter into that dimension of grace, but was unable due to do so. There seemed to be a barrier in my life. Since that breakthrough I’ve experienced a new level of intimacy with my Heavenly Father like never before! By the grace of God I am truly a different person today!

It is amazing to look back on that night after the deliverance to see my initial thoughts and feelings. Just knowing that through the Cross I could indeed love the Father freely and unabashedly was simply overwhelming. I wept tears as the anguish turned to joy and gratitude. This was the background for Aneta and I as we sought the Lord for what He had in store for us this year at ATD. Interestingly this year the focus for us was on serving the needs of our guest speakers and those in attendance. As many of you may recall, I had requested people to send notes/letters of encouragement to our main guest speakers. I myself had planned on writing one to each of the main speakers. However, the week leading up to the ATD I came down with a terrible head cold. All I was able to do was write a one letter to Brian Heasley. As I sat down to write to him, I felt horrible, but in faith I wrote what I heard the Lord saying to me regarding this man-of-God that I knew little of, except for his involvement in the 24-7 prayer movement.

I had the chance to meet this man who was quite a humorous, but passionate speaker. It was a delight to listen to his “mixed” Irish accent. After the first day of the conference I decided to Google him to see if anything would come up, which led me directly to his blog. Upon reading his latest entry, which had been put up hours before, I learned that he had forgotten two crucial things for a main guest speaker: deodorant and moisturizer. Immediately I alerted Aneta and she was able to find some extras that we took to him the next morning. When we told him that we had read his blog he was quite shocked and embarrassed, but he was very thankful for the deodorant.

He wrote about this on his blog, with the appropriate title: The Power of Blogging. We had also purchased a book beforehand that we intended to give to one of the guest speakers. It became obvious to Aneta and I that we were to bless this Irish man-of-God with Dreaming with God by Bill Johnson.

In all, it was a quiet conference for us – amidst the raging head cold – in comparison to a year ago. Nonetheless, we felt refreshed greatly by the Lord as we were able to serve these amazing men and women who are serving the Body of Christ worldwide. In fact afterwards Aneta gushed about how much she love serving our guest speakers; she came alive in that context. I too, found it refreshing to serve, which was strongly motivated by a desire to honor our guests.

A story comes to mind as I reflect upon the difference between last year's ATD and the most recent one: the story of Peter's mother-in-law. Luke 4:38-39 - "Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon. Now Simon's mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her. So he bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them." Once Jesus rebuked the fever, she immediately started serving the needs of others. I guess there is a time to get delivered and a time to serve!

For His Cause,

Brian Francis Hume