I'm about to embark upon a ministry trip to Texas and Minnesota. I will leave Friday night for Texas where I'll meet my good friend Steve Burke of The Lord Will Provide ministries. Steve is a passionate man-of-God who thrives living life on the edge! We don't really know what to expect on this trip, but I know that there have been things percolating within my heart to release prophetically over this state. This is a critical time for that region.
Then I fly back to Texas to minister at a revival in Sweetwater, Virginia from August 8-10. I will be ministering along with Draper Smith whom many of you know. Draper ministered there two months ago. At that time he mentioned to the pastors that he felt that something was about to breakthrough in their church—Draper encouraged the pastors to invite me to come and minister there. Evidently I had met Jason and Beverly Trupp when I ministered at the Encountering God's Glory conference back in March. I could vaguely recall what I had said to them, but I did receive an email several days ago from the pastor that was encouraging:
"I don't know if I ever told you what happened after you prophesied to us at the conference in Temple. You said it would be another two months in the wilderness. News we were not want to receive, I assure you. Two months later, nearly to the day the phone rang and we were chosen as the pastors of this church and hired at the school on the same day. God so easily swept open every door and ushered us into our destiny. It's not because you spoke a wonderful, happy, make-us-feel-good word that we want you to come, but because you spoke the truth accurately and boldly. We give God thanks always for you, Brian."
Praise God! What a blessing! Draper and I will be ministering Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Also we'll be ministering at the Sunday morning service.
The location is Cornerstone Fellowship Foursquare Church. Call the church for directions: 806-237-2991.
Please pray for me as the Lord leads. I'm expecting great things on this trip!
For the Cause,
Brian Francis Hume
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Quote by Oswald Chambers
“The people of God in Isaiah’s day had starved their imagination by looking on the face of idols, and Isaiah made them look up at the heavens (Isaiah 40:26), that is, he made them begin to use their imagination aright... IMAGINATION IS THE GREATEST GIFT GOD HAS GIVEN us and it ought to be devoted entirely to Him (Isaiah 26:3)... it will become one of the greatest assets to faith when the time of trial comes, because your faith and the Spirit of God will work together.” Oswald Chambers
Friday, July 18, 2008
New Releases That I Wouldn't Mind Reading
As many of you already know, my primary love language is awakened when I receive books as a gift! So when time permits I do enjoy browsing through a new release section online to see what new books are waiting to be discovered and devoured!
Anyways I decided to go to The Arsenal bookstore which is owned by my good friend, Brad Herman, to check out his new release section. Here is a list of books that I wouldn't mind getting my hands on!

Father Power: Generational Leadership by Don Wood
Don't read this book . . . live it. Close yourself away, capture time to feel the warmth of this story . . . as enduring as the universe, as comforting as our secret place . . . the loving embrace of a God who passionately loves you. Don Wood captures the textures, joys, and hurts real families are made of . . . and then shows us how to find out way into the extravagant love of a wonderful father, Almighty God. Don't just read this book, enjoy the journey for yourself . . . here is what life is all about. You've found a precious gem!
Paul Cole, President, Christian Men's Network
This book captures a desire within to excell as both a natural and a spiritual father to many. Also I am in the process of birthing THE CIRCUIT RIDERS along with a team of spiritual fathers to help fashion these emerging circuit riders. This just might be a book I need to send to these fathers.

Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior: The Way of the Warrior Series (Vol One) by Graham Cooke
Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior is the most inviting book on the subject I've ever seen. It is refreshing to read a book on warfare where the author is not impressed with the devil. Graham instead restores us to our rightful place of being captivated with Jesus. His wonderful understanding of the ways of the Kingdom does more than just bring clarity, it empowers the believer to live with victory as the normal expression of following Christ.
Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, Redding, CA
Sounds good to me!
Seven Mountain Prophecy: Unveiling the Coming Elijah Revolution by Johnny Enlow
Anyone interested in breaking through barriers to cultural transformation will want to read this book. Like a modern-day Lewis and Clark, Pastor Johnny Enlow has done an enormous service to us all in surveying the ground before us.
Lance Wallnau, Lance Learning Group
This book seems to have relevant information for the "cause & impact" paradigm that I've developed for personal and societal transformation.
Restoring the Altar for a Fresh Fire by Almu Beeftu
In a day when it is easy to be busy for God, Alemu Beeftu understands there is no easier place to lose Jesus than in the temple of religious activity and flurry. Far more than just a great book, Restoring the Altar is "an anchor within the veil" that calls us back to true covenant and passion for God. Restoring the Altar is a powerful manual that shows us how to keep the fires hot on the altar of our relationship with God. Restoring the Altar is written so that even a child could understand, though it is filled with the most profound principles of the Kingdom of God.
Don Crum, President Leadership International
Anything that stirs the fire within our hearts for the Lord Jesus Christ is definitely worthwhile our time and due diligence.

Restoring A Nation's Foundations: Prayer Strategies and Action Plans by Jimmy & Carol Owens
What the Owenses write about here holds the keys to God's mightiest of workings: how He can, wants to, and will change entire nations . . . if we will accept our role.
Jack Hayford, President, International Church of the Foursquare Gospel
For some reason I'm intrigued by the use of "action plans" in the subtitle of a Christian book. I'd like to examine this "action plan" to see if it truly has merit.
Birthing the Book Within You: Inspiration and Practical Help to Produce Your Own Book by Ben Peters
I've had a number of people prophesy to me that there is indeed a book within me. This also reminds me of the story of James Goll prophesying to Dutch Sheets back in the early 90s that there was a book in him that was to come forth...well, Intercessory Prayer was birthed and it has sold hundreds of thousands of copies in ten plus years.
5 Powers of God: Understanding, Receiving, Unleashing the Power and the Presence of the Holy Spirit by Paul Goulet
It s
eems from the content page that power is also referred to as strength. I have a teaching that I do frequently called The Inner Fortitude of Christlikeness, which is a reference to the strength of God, i.e., the might of God, that resides within us by the Holy Spirit. I believe this is one of my primary calling to walk as a man of strength and power in the Lord. The name Brian literally means "strength and honor" as depicted by the Roman warriors in the famous Gladiator movie.
There you go! A few choice books that I wouldn't mind hashing over as time permits! Please let me know if any of the aforementioned books struck you as you read the blog posting. Bless you!
For the Cause,
Brian Francis Hume
Anyways I decided to go to The Arsenal bookstore which is owned by my good friend, Brad Herman, to check out his new release section. Here is a list of books that I wouldn't mind getting my hands on!

Father Power: Generational Leadership by Don Wood
Don't read this book . . . live it. Close yourself away, capture time to feel the warmth of this story . . . as enduring as the universe, as comforting as our secret place . . . the loving embrace of a God who passionately loves you. Don Wood captures the textures, joys, and hurts real families are made of . . . and then shows us how to find out way into the extravagant love of a wonderful father, Almighty God. Don't just read this book, enjoy the journey for yourself . . . here is what life is all about. You've found a precious gem!
Paul Cole, President, Christian Men's Network
This book captures a desire within to excell as both a natural and a spiritual father to many. Also I am in the process of birthing THE CIRCUIT RIDERS along with a team of spiritual fathers to help fashion these emerging circuit riders. This just might be a book I need to send to these fathers.

Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior: The Way of the Warrior Series (Vol One) by Graham Cooke
Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior is the most inviting book on the subject I've ever seen. It is refreshing to read a book on warfare where the author is not impressed with the devil. Graham instead restores us to our rightful place of being captivated with Jesus. His wonderful understanding of the ways of the Kingdom does more than just bring clarity, it empowers the believer to live with victory as the normal expression of following Christ.
Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, Redding, CA
Sounds good to me!
Seven Mountain Prophecy: Unveiling the Coming Elijah Revolution by Johnny Enlow
Anyone interested in breaking through barriers to cultural transformation will want to read this book. Like a modern-day Lewis and Clark, Pastor Johnny Enlow has done an enormous service to us all in surveying the ground before us.
Lance Wallnau, Lance Learning Group
This book seems to have relevant information for the "cause & impact" paradigm that I've developed for personal and societal transformation.
Restoring the Altar for a Fresh Fire by Almu Beeftu
In a day when it is easy to be busy for God, Alemu Beeftu understands there is no easier place to lose Jesus than in the temple of religious activity and flurry. Far more than just a great book, Restoring the Altar is "an anchor within the veil" that calls us back to true covenant and passion for God. Restoring the Altar is a powerful manual that shows us how to keep the fires hot on the altar of our relationship with God. Restoring the Altar is written so that even a child could understand, though it is filled with the most profound principles of the Kingdom of God.
Don Crum, President Leadership International
Anything that stirs the fire within our hearts for the Lord Jesus Christ is definitely worthwhile our time and due diligence.

Restoring A Nation's Foundations: Prayer Strategies and Action Plans by Jimmy & Carol Owens
What the Owenses write about here holds the keys to God's mightiest of workings: how He can, wants to, and will change entire nations . . . if we will accept our role.
Jack Hayford, President, International Church of the Foursquare Gospel
For some reason I'm intrigued by the use of "action plans" in the subtitle of a Christian book. I'd like to examine this "action plan" to see if it truly has merit.
Birthing the Book Within You: Inspiration and Practical Help to Produce Your Own Book by Ben Peters
I've had a number of people prophesy to me that there is indeed a book within me. This also reminds me of the story of James Goll prophesying to Dutch Sheets back in the early 90s that there was a book in him that was to come forth...well, Intercessory Prayer was birthed and it has sold hundreds of thousands of copies in ten plus years.
5 Powers of God: Understanding, Receiving, Unleashing the Power and the Presence of the Holy Spirit by Paul Goulet
It s

There you go! A few choice books that I wouldn't mind hashing over as time permits! Please let me know if any of the aforementioned books struck you as you read the blog posting. Bless you!
For the Cause,
Brian Francis Hume
My Heart of Darkness by Kelly Deppen
This is Bridges Revelatory Ministry-July 8, 2008
On an incredibly dark and dreary Saturday in 2004, I went into the city to shop with my son Mitch who was 18 at the time. We went to the ‘punk rock/skateboard/heavy metal store.’ The shop had all of the skate stuff that Mitchell liked and his usual brands of gear.
Inside the store, very oppressive heavy metal music was blaring. I could not discern any lyrics, just guttural, roaring. The salesperson was a tall, slender young man in his early twenties. He had very white skin and pitch black dreadlocks. His eyes were lined with black kohl and his nails were polished black. Every pierce-able part of this guy’s face was studded with silver studs—and I was entirely freaked out!
He disappeared into the stock room to fetch shoes and I looked at Mitch as if to say, “Let’s get the heck out of here!” Mitch read my mind and my expression and said, “Mom, chill—it’s just a store.” The music intensified and I began to feel as if an elephant was sitting on my chest!
My son grabbed a few articles of clothing to try in the fitting room.The sales guy met us in the back at the fitting rooms and opened a stall with a key. It was at this point that I could no longer hold my peace and I said, “Wow! How do you deal with the oppressive spirit of this music all day?” Mitch looked at me with that pleading look and mumbled an apology to the clerk. "Awwww. Mom!"
The young man leaned over the counter at me and said the most unexpected thing! He said, “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. I’ll be right back.” He disappeared through a door and in a second the more melodic, yet still powerful sound of “Evanescence” came through the sound system. Love them. "Bring me to LIFE! Wake me up inside!" "My God, my tourniquet, return to me salvation."
I began to relax and act like a human being and talk with the guy.
As I spoke to him he looked me in the eye and was genuinely interested in my questions. He could SEE me!
“Seriously, I said, what appeals to you about that music that was playing before?”
“I am a musician and it takes a lot of talent to play music that is that intense,” he explained. “The intensity of it makes me feel alive,” he added. Go figure, nothing else in the falseness of this dark reality we call the physical realm made him feel alive---I was beginning to relate.
I was beginning to discern and connect with an intelligent, kind, communicative and creative person. All of a sudden--- I COULD SEE HIM! And, as I did I began to feel the anointing of the Lord flow for the first time since I entered the shop.
See, friend, I walked into that shop thinking of myself as some sort of prophetic writer and minister. Yeah. I thought that I had my finger on the pulse of God and that I had it going on. I did not have the first clue! I was not just a farce---I was the kind of farce that hurts people! His name is David. He is the assistant manager of the store, he plays guitar and writes music for a heavy metal band; he loves extreme sports. He was talking with me very freely and without hesitation.
You could say that David was charming!
When Mitch popped out of the fitting room he was stunned to see me and David just shootin' the breeze. Mitch was dumbfounded! We took all of the purchases to the cash register to pay and Holy Spirit spoke very clearly to me: “This is David, a young guitar player; you could say that he plays a stringed instrument. He is passionate and intense about everything in his life. I love him!”
I BROKE DOWN experiencing the LOVE of GOD for this guy!
I could feel tears welling up and I tried to fight them. I leaned across the counter and I grabbed David’s arm. I pulled him close and looked intensely in his eyes. He obliged. I heard myself say: “David, you are going to go a long way playing your guitar, and God loves you!” See--that's prophetic. That's the Testimony of Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:10) That's conveying the LOVE of GOD---His Name is JESUS.
He wept.
I paid. David stepped from behind the counter and asked if he could hug me before I left. My son was completely confounded—in a good way.
Mitchell and I quietly went home through the dark skies and driving rain. As we crested the mountain on the road home Holy Spirit spoke a slicing rebuke to me.
He said: “Were you shocked and offended by that young man’s appearance?”
“Well, yes, Lord, I was,” I replied.
“The dark, blackness of it offended you, then?” He asked again. “Well, at first it did, Lord.” I said. “That’s nothing,” He continued. “It was far worse for Me when I had to look into the black bitterness and judgment in your heart.”
His words cut me! His truthful remark pierced my heart and conscience and I sobbed violently. I pulled off to the side of the road and Mitch drove the rest of the trip home. I live my whole life openly in front of my son, so I repented of my ugly judgment of David out loud. This moved my son to tears and we cried silently until we arrived home.
David and I are friends. When I shop I stop by to say hello and most times the Lord gives me a word of love and life for him. He is always warm and receptive and I always get a hug on the way out of the store. I am so thankful to the Lord for His mercifully quick, sharp circumcision of my heart , especially where David is concerned. David blesses me.
David is an intense, passionate young man who plays a stringed instrument and composes music. Hello, Kelly! God LOVES guys like that!
There is no limit to the destiny God has for him—there is no limit to the love that God has for him. God is FOR DAVID. God is FOR DAVID. Who the hell was I to be against him? Behold my ugly, black, sinful heart.
My job is to authentically demonstrate God's Love, to speak Light and Life. God has shown me a prophetic vision of David as a passionate worshipper and I amen that vision every chance I get. But in the present moment, before the fulfillment of the prophecy---GOD IS FOR DAVID.
His Word—written or rhema—is a two-edged sword. It cuts both ways! It reveals the whiteness of purity in us and it exposes the blackness of judgment and sin in our hearts. That day I got a fresh revelation of the Reverence and Respect that are required to wield the Sword of God in the earth!
Recently, Holy Spirit said to me:
The Sword of My Word is a Weapon, it is a Light, it is an Instrument of Healing, it is an Implement of Change in the earth realm—and it is always, always an Expression of My Love.”
JESUS IS THE WORD. God the Word. God is LOVE.
And we must wield His Sword with eyes to see! And we must NEVER intend to hurt. Judgment hurts. You have been judged. Recall that pain.
Here is my July 2008 Post-Script Word of Prophetic Encouragement:
"Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm." Psalm 105:15
"They were the anointed of the Lord, sanctified by his grace, sanctified by his glory, and had received the unction of the Spirit. They were his prophets, instructed in the things of God themselves and commissioned to instruct others (and prophets are said to be anointed, therefore, if any touch them, they touch the apple of God’s eye; if any harm them, it is at their peril." ~ Matthew Henry
Beloved people of God, I say this in all humility, looking up at you, under the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord:
If, as you read my account of meeting the young man David, you though me an ass---- you would be correct. I was an ass. God stepped in and fixed me and saved me from myself and the ugly religion in me. I am a new creature in Christ entirely due to Him. He fixed me.
So, since I was an ass for my thoughts and attitudes toward David, do you suppose it is OK to judge the people of God? Look, there is too much of this going on. It is Breaking God's Heart.
For whatever unsearchable reason, when God chooses to impart a prophetic mantle or any other ministry mantle---He does NOT simultaneously impart perfection. Go figure. God could, but He does not.
On an incredibly dark and dreary Saturday in 2004, I went into the city to shop with my son Mitch who was 18 at the time. We went to the ‘punk rock/skateboard/heavy metal store.’ The shop had all of the skate stuff that Mitchell liked and his usual brands of gear.
Inside the store, very oppressive heavy metal music was blaring. I could not discern any lyrics, just guttural, roaring. The salesperson was a tall, slender young man in his early twenties. He had very white skin and pitch black dreadlocks. His eyes were lined with black kohl and his nails were polished black. Every pierce-able part of this guy’s face was studded with silver studs—and I was entirely freaked out!
He disappeared into the stock room to fetch shoes and I looked at Mitch as if to say, “Let’s get the heck out of here!” Mitch read my mind and my expression and said, “Mom, chill—it’s just a store.” The music intensified and I began to feel as if an elephant was sitting on my chest!
My son grabbed a few articles of clothing to try in the fitting room.The sales guy met us in the back at the fitting rooms and opened a stall with a key. It was at this point that I could no longer hold my peace and I said, “Wow! How do you deal with the oppressive spirit of this music all day?” Mitch looked at me with that pleading look and mumbled an apology to the clerk. "Awwww. Mom!"
The young man leaned over the counter at me and said the most unexpected thing! He said, “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. I’ll be right back.” He disappeared through a door and in a second the more melodic, yet still powerful sound of “Evanescence” came through the sound system. Love them. "Bring me to LIFE! Wake me up inside!" "My God, my tourniquet, return to me salvation."
I began to relax and act like a human being and talk with the guy.
As I spoke to him he looked me in the eye and was genuinely interested in my questions. He could SEE me!
“Seriously, I said, what appeals to you about that music that was playing before?”
“I am a musician and it takes a lot of talent to play music that is that intense,” he explained. “The intensity of it makes me feel alive,” he added. Go figure, nothing else in the falseness of this dark reality we call the physical realm made him feel alive---I was beginning to relate.
I was beginning to discern and connect with an intelligent, kind, communicative and creative person. All of a sudden--- I COULD SEE HIM! And, as I did I began to feel the anointing of the Lord flow for the first time since I entered the shop.
See, friend, I walked into that shop thinking of myself as some sort of prophetic writer and minister. Yeah. I thought that I had my finger on the pulse of God and that I had it going on. I did not have the first clue! I was not just a farce---I was the kind of farce that hurts people! His name is David. He is the assistant manager of the store, he plays guitar and writes music for a heavy metal band; he loves extreme sports. He was talking with me very freely and without hesitation.
You could say that David was charming!
When Mitch popped out of the fitting room he was stunned to see me and David just shootin' the breeze. Mitch was dumbfounded! We took all of the purchases to the cash register to pay and Holy Spirit spoke very clearly to me: “This is David, a young guitar player; you could say that he plays a stringed instrument. He is passionate and intense about everything in his life. I love him!”
I BROKE DOWN experiencing the LOVE of GOD for this guy!
I could feel tears welling up and I tried to fight them. I leaned across the counter and I grabbed David’s arm. I pulled him close and looked intensely in his eyes. He obliged. I heard myself say: “David, you are going to go a long way playing your guitar, and God loves you!” See--that's prophetic. That's the Testimony of Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:10) That's conveying the LOVE of GOD---His Name is JESUS.
He wept.
I paid. David stepped from behind the counter and asked if he could hug me before I left. My son was completely confounded—in a good way.
Mitchell and I quietly went home through the dark skies and driving rain. As we crested the mountain on the road home Holy Spirit spoke a slicing rebuke to me.
He said: “Were you shocked and offended by that young man’s appearance?”
“Well, yes, Lord, I was,” I replied.
“The dark, blackness of it offended you, then?” He asked again. “Well, at first it did, Lord.” I said. “That’s nothing,” He continued. “It was far worse for Me when I had to look into the black bitterness and judgment in your heart.”
His words cut me! His truthful remark pierced my heart and conscience and I sobbed violently. I pulled off to the side of the road and Mitch drove the rest of the trip home. I live my whole life openly in front of my son, so I repented of my ugly judgment of David out loud. This moved my son to tears and we cried silently until we arrived home.
David and I are friends. When I shop I stop by to say hello and most times the Lord gives me a word of love and life for him. He is always warm and receptive and I always get a hug on the way out of the store. I am so thankful to the Lord for His mercifully quick, sharp circumcision of my heart , especially where David is concerned. David blesses me.
David is an intense, passionate young man who plays a stringed instrument and composes music. Hello, Kelly! God LOVES guys like that!
There is no limit to the destiny God has for him—there is no limit to the love that God has for him. God is FOR DAVID. God is FOR DAVID. Who the hell was I to be against him? Behold my ugly, black, sinful heart.
My job is to authentically demonstrate God's Love, to speak Light and Life. God has shown me a prophetic vision of David as a passionate worshipper and I amen that vision every chance I get. But in the present moment, before the fulfillment of the prophecy---GOD IS FOR DAVID.
His Word—written or rhema—is a two-edged sword. It cuts both ways! It reveals the whiteness of purity in us and it exposes the blackness of judgment and sin in our hearts. That day I got a fresh revelation of the Reverence and Respect that are required to wield the Sword of God in the earth!
Recently, Holy Spirit said to me:
The Sword of My Word is a Weapon, it is a Light, it is an Instrument of Healing, it is an Implement of Change in the earth realm—and it is always, always an Expression of My Love.”
JESUS IS THE WORD. God the Word. God is LOVE.
And we must wield His Sword with eyes to see! And we must NEVER intend to hurt. Judgment hurts. You have been judged. Recall that pain.
Here is my July 2008 Post-Script Word of Prophetic Encouragement:
"Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm." Psalm 105:15
"They were the anointed of the Lord, sanctified by his grace, sanctified by his glory, and had received the unction of the Spirit. They were his prophets, instructed in the things of God themselves and commissioned to instruct others (and prophets are said to be anointed, therefore, if any touch them, they touch the apple of God’s eye; if any harm them, it is at their peril." ~ Matthew Henry
Beloved people of God, I say this in all humility, looking up at you, under the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord:
If, as you read my account of meeting the young man David, you though me an ass---- you would be correct. I was an ass. God stepped in and fixed me and saved me from myself and the ugly religion in me. I am a new creature in Christ entirely due to Him. He fixed me.
So, since I was an ass for my thoughts and attitudes toward David, do you suppose it is OK to judge the people of God? Look, there is too much of this going on. It is Breaking God's Heart.
For whatever unsearchable reason, when God chooses to impart a prophetic mantle or any other ministry mantle---He does NOT simultaneously impart perfection. Go figure. God could, but He does not.
This is my cry to God:
Father! Oh for the sake of the Glory of Jesus!
Please release a Greater Grace on ALL of US!
Abba Father in the Name of Jesus,
Save us from Ourselves in this time of Your Obvious Outpouring!
Grace us all, Father, to lay DOWN Opinions---We have carried them and tossed them about like rocks intended for the woman caught in adultery.
Let ALL HANDS and ALL WORDS be raised in PRAISE of YOU,
Let all rocks fall to the ground.
Let Your Outpouring Continue for Your Glory, Jesus.
May we become LIKE YOU...
July 8, 2008
and in Eternity
kelly deppen,
love of God
Monday, July 14, 2008
An Encouraging Letter
This past Sunday morning I received a message via Facebook from an unexpected source, Court Wood of In Jesus' Name Ministries. Court travels the world preaching the gospel to the third world nations. Evidently he had read the a synopsis of the vision that the Lord has put in my heart concerning the launch of THE CIRCUIT RIDERS. As I read through the letter, the need for revelation of the REALITY of Christ struck my heart; versus our attempts to offer a religious farce. God have mercy on me! I'm tired of games. I want the real deal, namely Christ himself!
Here is the letter.
Religion is the effort of man to represent the glory of God in our own strength and our own righteousness. (which we are completely devoid of.) It distorts the clear revelation of Jesus Christ as He seeks to gloriously manifest Himself in His people. Religion is part of the sin nature. It touches us all. It obscures the beauty and simplicity of Christ in us, the hope of glory. It is in opposition to the revelation of Jesus Christ. May the Lord hear the cry our hearts for a hundred men in this nation absolutely committed to integrity, the character of Christ, absolute honesty in their lives, and with total commitment to proclaim Jesus Christ to this nation, without hypocrisy, legalism, liberalism, formalism, traditions of men, psychological manipulation, compromise, or pseudo revival. America must return to the fear of the Lord. We must turn from our obsession with prosperity to an obsession to “know Him, the power of His resurrection, and THE FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERINGS.” We must again be prepared to “suffer the loss of all things, that we might gain Christ.” We must be willing to be “crucified with Christ.”
I was so blessed to see the vision and life and vision of Brian Francis Hume and his darling wife Aneta Hume, and their precious daughter. It is through precious lives like these that I believe God would again turn the hearts of America back to the God of our father; not for our sakes, but for the sake of His Kingdom throughout the world. Freedom must persevere over the slavery of religion and tyranny. May we see another Great Awakening before the glorious return of Jesus Christ. If not then night will come when no man can work.
God bless you Brian, Aneta, and Simone
Court Wood “In Jesus’ Name Ministries” http://www.injesusname.org/
Here is the letter.
Religion is the effort of man to represent the glory of God in our own strength and our own righteousness. (which we are completely devoid of.) It distorts the clear revelation of Jesus Christ as He seeks to gloriously manifest Himself in His people. Religion is part of the sin nature. It touches us all. It obscures the beauty and simplicity of Christ in us, the hope of glory. It is in opposition to the revelation of Jesus Christ. May the Lord hear the cry our hearts for a hundred men in this nation absolutely committed to integrity, the character of Christ, absolute honesty in their lives, and with total commitment to proclaim Jesus Christ to this nation, without hypocrisy, legalism, liberalism, formalism, traditions of men, psychological manipulation, compromise, or pseudo revival. America must return to the fear of the Lord. We must turn from our obsession with prosperity to an obsession to “know Him, the power of His resurrection, and THE FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERINGS.” We must again be prepared to “suffer the loss of all things, that we might gain Christ.” We must be willing to be “crucified with Christ.”
I was so blessed to see the vision and life and vision of Brian Francis Hume and his darling wife Aneta Hume, and their precious daughter. It is through precious lives like these that I believe God would again turn the hearts of America back to the God of our father; not for our sakes, but for the sake of His Kingdom throughout the world. Freedom must persevere over the slavery of religion and tyranny. May we see another Great Awakening before the glorious return of Jesus Christ. If not then night will come when no man can work.
God bless you Brian, Aneta, and Simone
Court Wood “In Jesus’ Name Ministries” http://www.injesusname.org/
Court Wood,
In Jesus' Name Ministries
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Pre-Call Rally in Fredericksburg
Come join us for a Pre-Call rally led by leaders of the Call to prepare for the day of massive prayer and fasting on the Mall in Washington D.C. on August 16. The pre-Call rally will be held at Grace Church of Fredericksburg on July 20, 2008 at 6 PM. Come and join us for worship and intercession for the event and a message from the leaders of the Call! For more info visit the website at www.thecall.com.
For directions to the church click here.
To see the Call promo video click here.
About TheCall
TheCall is a divinely initiated, multi-racial, multi-generational, and cross-denominational gathering to corporate prayer and fasting. We believe that our nation is in desperate need of the mercy of God and a great Spiritual Awakening. TheCall is committed to mobilizing people from all across America to gather together to petition God for His undeserved mercy for our nation in 12-hour solemn assemblies. Just as in the days of Joel, we believe that now is the time to blow the trumpet across our land, to fast, to pray, and return to the Lord with all our hearts.In the midst of an "entertainment" driven society, TheCall does not seek to entertain, but to encounter God. Unlike other mass gatherings which attract people through the rhythms of loud music, the glamour of flashing lights, or through the appeal of charismatic personalities, TheCall is a gathering centered around the affections of a loving God. There will be no advertised bands and no promoted speakers, as our purpose is not to promote any man or ministry. TheCall is a FAST not a festival. TheCall is a SOLEMN ASSEMBLY not a conference. Whereas conferences focus primarily on training and discipleship, the 12 hours of TheCall are spent primarily before the Lord in the place of prayer and worship. We believe the hour is late and the times are urgent. Our nation is in desperate need of revival and it will be only through the corporate body of Christ uniting in the place of prayer that we will find any hope in this hour. We believe we can see our nation changed as the Lord pours out His Spirit and brings refreshing to the broken, destitute, and the weary across our land.
History of TheCall
In 1997 our nation witnessed one of the largest Christian gatherings in American history. The Promise Keepers, a ministry specifically focused on igniting men with a passion for Jesus, gathered a million men on the National Mall in Washington DC to call men across our nation to a lifestyle of purity and godliness. A man named Lou Engle was deeply impacted by this highly profound event and burdened with a God-given dream. The vision was to raise up a corresponding youth movement to cry out to God for a revival to sweep across America. . Two years after the inception of this dream, a woman approached Lou Engle and asked if he had ever considered putting young people on the Mall like the Promise Keepers did in 1997. Taken back and amazed, Lou replied that two years prior he had been burdened with a dream to see the youth of our nation gathering at the National Mall. He confessed he actually prophesied this coming gathering would be a sign from God that there was still hope for our nation. The woman promptly wrote a check for $100,000, setting into action a whole chain of supernatural events that would eventually result in the TheCall DC on September 2nd, 2000. God's blessing was clearly manifest throughout the day as the presence of the Holy Spirit infused the prayer, worship and intermittent words of encouragement from our nations spiritual leaders. The result of one man's obedience to the God-given dream was an attendance of over 400,000 young people. After this TheCall DC in September 2000, TheCall was exported across the nation to twelve different locations, each one gathering thousands of people hungry for a movement of God. Rather than promoting man's good ideas, these massive gatherings were spent in corporate fasting, prayer, and worshiping before God. Specific regional issues were confronted in each gathering in the place of prayer. In each Call, issues such as racism, sexual immorality and abortion were brought into light and repented for corporately by the body of Christ. In New York, Dallas, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Nashville, and Kansas City, a movement of prayer and fasting has filled stadiums with the sounds of worship and the incense of prayer. This divinely-initiated movement of repentance has extended beyond the narrow borders of America as TheCall has traveled to Australia, Germany, the Philippines, Norway, England and Israel. Today TheCall is marching across our land to Washington D.C. to come together for a historic gathering on August 16, 2008. We believe that our nation is in a critical hour and in desperate need of revival. While our society's moral compass continues to erode the faith of our nation is becoming increasingly secularized. The world in its rebellion violently pursues the fulfillment of all fleshly desires, yet the church has fallen prey to many of the same sins that plague our society. Even within the church truth has been substituted for spiritual relativism and religious tolerance. Sexual immorality, racism, and abortion are just as prevalent from our pews and pulpits as they are in our secular universities. We are in an hour of crisis, an hour when we have to confront our own spiritual barrenness as the church and in the place of prayer cry out to God for mercy on our nation and revival in our land. Our hope in this hour is in God and God alone. On August 16, 2008 we are calling for 1,000,000 people to again gather together in the National Mall to fast and to pray for God to pour out His undeserved mercy on our land.
To see video endorsements of the Call from major Christian leaders click here.
Tara Gourley
Administrative Assistant
Grace Church of Fredericksburg
1141 Heatherstone Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
(540) 785-2273
For directions to the church click here.
To see the Call promo video click here.
About TheCall
TheCall is a divinely initiated, multi-racial, multi-generational, and cross-denominational gathering to corporate prayer and fasting. We believe that our nation is in desperate need of the mercy of God and a great Spiritual Awakening. TheCall is committed to mobilizing people from all across America to gather together to petition God for His undeserved mercy for our nation in 12-hour solemn assemblies. Just as in the days of Joel, we believe that now is the time to blow the trumpet across our land, to fast, to pray, and return to the Lord with all our hearts.In the midst of an "entertainment" driven society, TheCall does not seek to entertain, but to encounter God. Unlike other mass gatherings which attract people through the rhythms of loud music, the glamour of flashing lights, or through the appeal of charismatic personalities, TheCall is a gathering centered around the affections of a loving God. There will be no advertised bands and no promoted speakers, as our purpose is not to promote any man or ministry. TheCall is a FAST not a festival. TheCall is a SOLEMN ASSEMBLY not a conference. Whereas conferences focus primarily on training and discipleship, the 12 hours of TheCall are spent primarily before the Lord in the place of prayer and worship. We believe the hour is late and the times are urgent. Our nation is in desperate need of revival and it will be only through the corporate body of Christ uniting in the place of prayer that we will find any hope in this hour. We believe we can see our nation changed as the Lord pours out His Spirit and brings refreshing to the broken, destitute, and the weary across our land.
History of TheCall
In 1997 our nation witnessed one of the largest Christian gatherings in American history. The Promise Keepers, a ministry specifically focused on igniting men with a passion for Jesus, gathered a million men on the National Mall in Washington DC to call men across our nation to a lifestyle of purity and godliness. A man named Lou Engle was deeply impacted by this highly profound event and burdened with a God-given dream. The vision was to raise up a corresponding youth movement to cry out to God for a revival to sweep across America. . Two years after the inception of this dream, a woman approached Lou Engle and asked if he had ever considered putting young people on the Mall like the Promise Keepers did in 1997. Taken back and amazed, Lou replied that two years prior he had been burdened with a dream to see the youth of our nation gathering at the National Mall. He confessed he actually prophesied this coming gathering would be a sign from God that there was still hope for our nation. The woman promptly wrote a check for $100,000, setting into action a whole chain of supernatural events that would eventually result in the TheCall DC on September 2nd, 2000. God's blessing was clearly manifest throughout the day as the presence of the Holy Spirit infused the prayer, worship and intermittent words of encouragement from our nations spiritual leaders. The result of one man's obedience to the God-given dream was an attendance of over 400,000 young people. After this TheCall DC in September 2000, TheCall was exported across the nation to twelve different locations, each one gathering thousands of people hungry for a movement of God. Rather than promoting man's good ideas, these massive gatherings were spent in corporate fasting, prayer, and worshiping before God. Specific regional issues were confronted in each gathering in the place of prayer. In each Call, issues such as racism, sexual immorality and abortion were brought into light and repented for corporately by the body of Christ. In New York, Dallas, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Nashville, and Kansas City, a movement of prayer and fasting has filled stadiums with the sounds of worship and the incense of prayer. This divinely-initiated movement of repentance has extended beyond the narrow borders of America as TheCall has traveled to Australia, Germany, the Philippines, Norway, England and Israel. Today TheCall is marching across our land to Washington D.C. to come together for a historic gathering on August 16, 2008. We believe that our nation is in a critical hour and in desperate need of revival. While our society's moral compass continues to erode the faith of our nation is becoming increasingly secularized. The world in its rebellion violently pursues the fulfillment of all fleshly desires, yet the church has fallen prey to many of the same sins that plague our society. Even within the church truth has been substituted for spiritual relativism and religious tolerance. Sexual immorality, racism, and abortion are just as prevalent from our pews and pulpits as they are in our secular universities. We are in an hour of crisis, an hour when we have to confront our own spiritual barrenness as the church and in the place of prayer cry out to God for mercy on our nation and revival in our land. Our hope in this hour is in God and God alone. On August 16, 2008 we are calling for 1,000,000 people to again gather together in the National Mall to fast and to pray for God to pour out His undeserved mercy on our land.
To see video endorsements of the Call from major Christian leaders click here.
Tara Gourley
Administrative Assistant
Grace Church of Fredericksburg
1141 Heatherstone Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
(540) 785-2273
Friday, July 4, 2008
Team Hoyt: Father & Son Duo
A year ago our church showed a powerful video on Father’s Day about an inspirational story of a father and son duo. It started with a simple request by the son, “Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?” In spite of a heart condition, the father willingly obliged to the delight of the son.
That was just the beginning.
Over 25 years later they have participated together in countless number of marathons. You may be wondering why this story is so inspirational. The son was born with cerebral palsy, which has inhibited him physically—yet he dreams on!
Then one day the son asks his father if they could do the Ironman competition. This is the most daunting question of all. It is a triathlon that entails the following three events in succession: (1) 2.4 mile (3.86 kilometer) ocean swim (2) 112 mile (180.2 kilometer) bike ride (3) 26.2 mile (42.195 kilometer) marathon along the coast of Hawaii's Big Island.
The father said, “Yes!”
I’ll let you watch the ending for yourself.Here is the event itself played to a beautiful song:
Here is an segment that was produced for a television show. Very touching!
May the Team Hoyt inspire you!
I’m also reminded of my own relationship with my Heavenly Father when I view these videos. It is a good reminder on this 4th of July celebration as we remember the Declaration of Independence. I’m stirred after viewing this story to remember my need for a “Declaration of DEPENDENCE” upon my Father in heaven. Truly the Father is looking for those who will be utterly dependent upon Him in this hour.
James 1:17—Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
That was just the beginning.
Over 25 years later they have participated together in countless number of marathons. You may be wondering why this story is so inspirational. The son was born with cerebral palsy, which has inhibited him physically—yet he dreams on!
Then one day the son asks his father if they could do the Ironman competition. This is the most daunting question of all. It is a triathlon that entails the following three events in succession: (1) 2.4 mile (3.86 kilometer) ocean swim (2) 112 mile (180.2 kilometer) bike ride (3) 26.2 mile (42.195 kilometer) marathon along the coast of Hawaii's Big Island.
The father said, “Yes!”
I’ll let you watch the ending for yourself.Here is the event itself played to a beautiful song:
Here is an segment that was produced for a television show. Very touching!
May the Team Hoyt inspire you!
I’m also reminded of my own relationship with my Heavenly Father when I view these videos. It is a good reminder on this 4th of July celebration as we remember the Declaration of Independence. I’m stirred after viewing this story to remember my need for a “Declaration of DEPENDENCE” upon my Father in heaven. Truly the Father is looking for those who will be utterly dependent upon Him in this hour.
James 1:17—Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
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