I will be praying for Christchurch.
Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a NEW THING! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
~Isaiah 43:18, 19
I want to pose a question to you: Are you ready to step into the kairos momentum? Kairos is one of two words in Greek used for time (the other is chronos). The actual rendering of this Greek word is best described as the fullness of time. Kairos speaks of an opportune time within a limited timeframe (versus chronos which is linear, chronological, ongoing time). It is a season that is pregnant with God’s destiny. In essence it is when the eternal invades the temporal realm; the mundane is overtaken by a heightened sense of God’s presence and eternal purposes. It is the window of heaven.
You may be wondering the full implications of the two terms together—kairos momentum. Kairos momentum is the overall, cumulative acceleration of God’s kingdom purposes manifesting within a specific timeframe, with staggering outcomes (which can only be orchestrated by heaven’s decree). It is a divine crescendo of sorts that culminates with a breakthrough of epochal proportions.
It is not business as usual; quite the contrary.
Traditionally when it came time for the daylight saving time (DST) shift in the fall or spring, I had to pause for a moment to recall which way to move the clock—forward or backwards? Honestly, I could not remember; my mind kept confusing the two. However, I finally learned a cliché that solved my dilemma: “Fall back, spring forward.” In the spring of 2007 Congress enacted legislation to shift forward the daylight-savings time by three weeks. The primary goal was to save money by conserving energy. It also had a leisurely benefit: extra daylight in the evenings (for me, this meant an evening stroll with my wife!). It was a SHIFT that many took advantage of to enjoy the cherished daylight in the evenings (after a drab winter of short days and limited exposure to the sunlight, extra daylight is so refreshing!).
There's a shift that is going to bring us from the constraints of the chronos time into the kairos momentum. It is a shift to spring forward into the kairos momentum decreed by the Lord for our times. And it is sooner than you think! Now is the time to agree with heaven's decree that you are on the brink of stepping into your kairos momentum. No more procrasination and unbelief. The Holy Spirit is stirring faith in your heart as you ruminate upon the rhema of Isaiah 43:19: "See, I am doing a NEW THING! Now it springs up..."
In fact, I sense that we are on the threshold of an actual divine shift that is about to spring forth in the United States (and abroad) today among the emerging generation. It seems that the Lord is doing a new thing in the midst of desperate people hungering for the full Reality of Christ to be revealed in the earth today. Prayer movements are springing forth all over the earth today. Miracles are transpiring with countless stories of God’s miraculous healings, deliverances, and breakthroughs flooding the Internet. God's people are responding to the grace invitation to seek His face above all else.
We are on the verge of stepping into a kairos momentum.
The words in the text of Isaiah 43:19, “springs up” speaks of a shift that precedes the kairos momentum, the "new thing". (For sake of clarity, I’m using the term kairos momentum and “new thing” interchangeably.) This shift has a causative function, meaning that it is the primary catalyst that ignites a kairos momentum. Think of it in terms of a cause and effect relationship. The shift—the “springs up”—is the cause that catalyze the effects of “the kairos momentum.” It is the shift that sets in motion the kairos momentum to sustain the epochal breakthrough.
No shift. No kairos momentum; albeit no new thing.
Sometimes shifts can occur in a linear fashion that unfolds in an incremental manner, gradually over time. However, nonlinear change can be abrupt, elusive, swift, and without warning; creating an upheaval along the way. A shift of the San Andreas Fault at 5:12 am on April 18, 1906 created a massive, tumultuous catastrophic event that was one of the worst natural disasters in history of the United States. The actual shift itself lasted approximately 48 seconds—however, the ramifications extended well beyond the short-lived fault shift. The earthquake registered at a conservative estimation of 7.7 magnitude, which was felt from Oregon all the way to Los Angeles. The city of San Francisco was in ruins due to the fires that ensued after the shakings, destroying 80 percent of the city.
Chaos abounded—normalcy for many dissipated within a mere 48 seconds. Lives were lost. Homes were destroyed. Families were stricken with grief. Destruction was rampant.
Shifts can be costly. It can either abort or accelerate the catalyzing of the kairos momentum.
Ten days prior to the San Francisco natural disaster was an unprecedented outpouring of God’s Spirit in Los Angeles; otherwise, known as Azusu Street Revival. It was a seismic shift whose epicenter was at 216 North Bonnie Bray Street, but with a magnitude of world-wide impact. Indeed, it was “the new thing” (i.e., the kairos momentum) that forever changed the landscape of Christianity in the 20th century. Lives were forever ruined for a powerless testimony and witness. Hearts were set ablaze by God’s flaming Spirit as this epochal shift brought about a kairos momentum to the ends of the earth—lost souls were converted; desperate souls were baptized with power on high; ministries were birthed; missionaries were sent; apostolic movements were pioneered. Worldwide was the reach of this kairos mometum.
A shift transpired. The kairos momentum coalesced God’s purposes with pliable human hearts; and the world was never the same.
What is on God’s heart for this hour?
Dutch Sheets, author of God's Timing For Your Life writes concerning the phrase “springs up” in the verses mention earlier in Isaiah: “These words mark a shift in time. Something new is about to spring forth…when He does move, it can transpire quickly. Never give up. Your shift may be closer than you think.”
You are in a kairos momentum season. The new thing is close. And the shift is even closer.
Copyright © 2011, Brian Francis Hume
1 comment:
I believe we are in the midst of another kairos moment in Alabama. The Glory Ride 2011 came to town and well, things haven't been the same in Alabama. Midst tornadoes & utter devastation surrounding them, these riders on horseback continued to worship and indeed are still worshipping! A 24/7 tabernacle was erected in 2 strategic places in Alabama and was filled with worshippers for 3 days. for info go to: www.thegloryride.com. What I hear in the spirit is that devastation is selective. Yahweh does the choosing! It has been glorious to hear the miraculous stories of how many people were spared against all odds. When you look at it from the air...it does not appear that anyone could have survived...yet, by His mercy they have.
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