Once again the National Day of Prayer is upon us. This year the theme is: "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" (Ps. 91:2). Some believe that gathering together to pray is not in keeping with Scripture (Matt:6:5-9). I admit I'm uncomfortable praying with others. Jesus taught us how to pray. Prayer is not an obvious or natural activity or it wouldn't have had to be taught. We pray because we are followers of Jesus and have fellowship with God. Jesus is our mediator so that our prayers afford direct access to God. Dietrich Bonhoffer wrote: "True prayer is done in secret, but this does not rule out the fellowship of prayer altogether, however clearly we may be aware of its dangers. In the last resort it is immaterial whether we pray in the open street or in the secrecy of our chambers, whether briefly or lengthy, in the Litany of the Church, or with the sigh of one who knows not what he should pray for. True prayer does not depend either on the individual or the whole body of the faithful, but solely upon the knowledge that our heavenly Father knows our needs. That makes God the sole object of our prayers, and frees us from a false confidence in our own prayerful efforts." I share that sentiment...on May 5th whether you are planning to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, be busy at work/home, or gathering to pray with others, spend time in Scripture; hear God speak to you.
This portion was derived from an email newsletter of Multi Church DC, which was written by my friend Tom Corcoran. I thought it was an interesting perspective on prayer that I would share with my readers. Please feel free to leave any feedback on your thoughts.
Here is Tom’s Twitter account info; take a moment to follow him on Twitter: @multichurchdc
Monday, April 25, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Washington, DC | Cindy Jacobs
On Easter Sunday, April 24th at 10:30am, Cindy Jacobs is scheduled to speak at the Newsong Church in northern Virginia during her strategic trip to Washington, DC. For those in the region, I'd strongly recommend you attend this service if you are able to do so.
8200 Bell Lane
Vienna, Virginia
Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophet who travels the world ministering not only to crowds of people, but to heads of nations. Perhaps her greatest ministry is to world influencers who seek her prophetic advice.
Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. Ever since the Lord called her with the scripture, “Ask of me the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the world for your possession,” she has taken that calling seriously. She describes her call to the nations “an inverted homesickness.” Each year she travels and has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Yet, in her heart is the memory that Jesus left the ninety-and-nine to go to the one. Today, in spite of a demanding schedule, she is willing to go for the one lost soul.
Among other things, she is listed in the Who’s Who Among American Women, has written for such publications as Charisma, Ministries Today, Spirit-Led Women. She is a frequent guest on Trinity Broadcasting Network, The 700 Club, and now one can watch her on the God Channel. The television show from her ministry, God Knows, is on nine networks in six languages.
8200 Bell Lane
Vienna, Virginia
Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophet who travels the world ministering not only to crowds of people, but to heads of nations. Perhaps her greatest ministry is to world influencers who seek her prophetic advice.
Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. Ever since the Lord called her with the scripture, “Ask of me the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the world for your possession,” she has taken that calling seriously. She describes her call to the nations “an inverted homesickness.” Each year she travels and has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Yet, in her heart is the memory that Jesus left the ninety-and-nine to go to the one. Today, in spite of a demanding schedule, she is willing to go for the one lost soul.
Among other things, she is listed in the Who’s Who Among American Women, has written for such publications as Charisma, Ministries Today, Spirit-Led Women. She is a frequent guest on Trinity Broadcasting Network, The 700 Club, and now one can watch her on the God Channel. The television show from her ministry, God Knows, is on nine networks in six languages.
cindy jacobs,
newsong church,
washington dc
HIGH and LIFTED UP | Homer Owen
This is an awesome week for all of us who have chosen the Son of God as our Savior. We are living in the time when our God is bringing forth a greater revelation of Himself along with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I pray that we have a desire to know them all better and allow the Holy Spirit to open up our hearts to receive all that He has for us in these exciting end days.
“If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? No one has ascended to heaven but He who came from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:12-15
We are told that we must lift up the Son of Man as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness if we are to have eternal life. Eternal life is for us right now. Paul tells us that we should know Him in the power of His resurrection. Jesus told Mary and Martha that He is the resurrection. This was before He had been lifted up on the cross. We will all be resurrected with Him in Glory one of these days – but we are to experience His resurrection today in our daily walk with Him.
It is a real challenge for all of us to live in heaven at the same time we are living on the earth. What a glorious salvation that we have been given by the risen Christ, we are to live with Him in Glory land at the same time we are to live here on the earth. As we sit with Him we will be illuminated with His Glory so that we can bring forth light into the dark places here on the earth.
“Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Isaiah 60:1-3
Lord, we are thanking you today for your rising over us with all your glory. Cause us to walk forth in the dark places and expect your light to dispel the darkness. Praise you for so great a salvation. Not just for glory land in the future but right now. We give you all the praise and glory for being who you are.
Be blessed in these days as we mediate on Him being lifted up. May we all kneel at His cross and give Him thanks with grateful hearts for coming forth to redeem us.
Homer Owen
“If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? No one has ascended to heaven but He who came from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:12-15
We are told that we must lift up the Son of Man as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness if we are to have eternal life. Eternal life is for us right now. Paul tells us that we should know Him in the power of His resurrection. Jesus told Mary and Martha that He is the resurrection. This was before He had been lifted up on the cross. We will all be resurrected with Him in Glory one of these days – but we are to experience His resurrection today in our daily walk with Him.
It is a real challenge for all of us to live in heaven at the same time we are living on the earth. What a glorious salvation that we have been given by the risen Christ, we are to live with Him in Glory land at the same time we are to live here on the earth. As we sit with Him we will be illuminated with His Glory so that we can bring forth light into the dark places here on the earth.
“Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Isaiah 60:1-3
Lord, we are thanking you today for your rising over us with all your glory. Cause us to walk forth in the dark places and expect your light to dispel the darkness. Praise you for so great a salvation. Not just for glory land in the future but right now. We give you all the praise and glory for being who you are.
Be blessed in these days as we mediate on Him being lifted up. May we all kneel at His cross and give Him thanks with grateful hearts for coming forth to redeem us.
Homer Owen
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Daddy’s Love Hugs | Bruce Aspgren
Sitting at a table at the local homeless shelter park, a mother with 3 children asked for prayer.
After praying one of her sons came over to me, he looked me in the eyes and asked me, "Are you a daddy?" I answered yes.
His next words touched deep within my soul.
He asked me, “Can you give me a love hug like a daddy would?” I looked to the mother and she had tears she nodded yes. I reached out and placed him in front of me on my lap and wrapped my arms around him. I can't tell you any more of a reason why I am a minister—I too remember that a daddy should come to the park and give love hugs.
Bruce Aspgren
PO box 211, Caldwell, Texas 77836 -0211
http://www.rockingaministry.com/ website
Bruce Mary Aspgren on Facebook
jesusspokenhear on Twitter
After praying one of her sons came over to me, he looked me in the eyes and asked me, "Are you a daddy?" I answered yes.
His next words touched deep within my soul.
He asked me, “Can you give me a love hug like a daddy would?” I looked to the mother and she had tears she nodded yes. I reached out and placed him in front of me on my lap and wrapped my arms around him. I can't tell you any more of a reason why I am a minister—I too remember that a daddy should come to the park and give love hugs.
Bruce Aspgren
PO box 211, Caldwell, Texas 77836 -0211
http://www.rockingaministry.com/ website
Bruce Mary Aspgren on Facebook
jesusspokenhear on Twitter
bruce aspgren,
Daddy's Love Hugs,
hurting children,
love hugs
Sunday, April 17, 2011
A number of people have decried the Pentecostal/ Charismatic movement as being the doorway through which the current corruption has entered the modern church. There is an element of truth in this, but it is not entirely accurate.
I was born into a Pentecostal church 56 years ago, was raised there, was educated in one of their colleges, and pastored 3 of their churches. I think this gives me a degree of knowledge and familiarity with the movement and its history... I also had the privilege of meeting with and conversing with some of the Pentecostal pioneers while they were still alive. In addition, I have owned a number of Frank Bartleman’s books for years. This is not to put myself forward as an expert, but to let you know that what I say next is not said from a vacuum of ignorance, assumption, and speculation.
The Pentecostal movement was born out of the holiness movement. Many of those who were involved in its birth were people of holiness who had died to self, had picked up their crosses and were following Jesus Christ as He directed them by His Spirit and His Word. The multitudes of transformed lives, the miracles, and the persecution were very real. We can thank God for those pioneers who – under the move and hand of God – paved the way for a renewed freedom and move of the Holy Spirit in Christ’s Church. The problems which arose were not with the move of the Spirit or with many of those who sought the Lord and came into the Baptism and life of the Spirit. Mostly the problems arose – as they do today – from those who wanted to avoid the cross. These were people who wanted the blessings of life in the Spirit, but who did not want to die to sin, flesh, and themselves.
As early as 1907, Frank Bartleman wrote of his dismay over these types of people who infiltrated the Pentecostal movement. Many flocked to Pentecostal movements all over the continent seeking the blessings of the spirit, but not wanting holiness, confession of sin, brokenness before the Lord, and taking up of the cross. We have the same root problem with us today. The modern church is filled with selfish, sinful people who want God’s blessings, but who do not want to go the way of the cross.
The problem has been further compounded by those false preachers, prophets, and teachers who refuse to preach the cross and what it costs to be a follower of Christ. Instead today’s “Christian” heaps to himself preachers, teachers, and prophets who tickle his flesh and make it feel comfortable – those who have become experts at creating a brand of “christianity” which seems to marry the flesh with the Spirit. This CANNOT be, however, since the flesh and the Spirit are enemies against each other. Scripture makes it clear that one must follow one or the other – God or mammon.
It is the shame of many Pentecostal/ Charismatic churches – although, not all (... the mistake of generalizing) – have abandoned the preaching of the cross, holiness, separation from the world, and the true full Gospel. Much of the modern church has abandoned the Christ of the Bible in favor of a “new and improved Christ” who has no cross, but only “love;” who has no holiness, but only “grace;” who has no justice, but only “blessings;” and who is not Judge, but merely a cosmic Santa Claus.
How we need those who will die to self, take up the cross, and be witnesses of the true Christ! How God longs for those who will live godly in Christ Jesus – in spite of the persecution! How we need those who choose to reject the world, who hate sin, who fear none but God; those who will do what He wants, speak what He says, and be molded into the image of Christ by the Word and the Spirit that Christ may have human representation of Himself to a lost and dying world. This is the Church of Jesus Christ.
May God help us. Brothers and sisters, work while it is yet day, for the night is coming when no man can work. Labor faithfully with Him. Fear not what man thinks or what man can do unto you, but fear Him who is your Redeemer and your King.
I was born into a Pentecostal church 56 years ago, was raised there, was educated in one of their colleges, and pastored 3 of their churches. I think this gives me a degree of knowledge and familiarity with the movement and its history... I also had the privilege of meeting with and conversing with some of the Pentecostal pioneers while they were still alive. In addition, I have owned a number of Frank Bartleman’s books for years. This is not to put myself forward as an expert, but to let you know that what I say next is not said from a vacuum of ignorance, assumption, and speculation.
The Pentecostal movement was born out of the holiness movement. Many of those who were involved in its birth were people of holiness who had died to self, had picked up their crosses and were following Jesus Christ as He directed them by His Spirit and His Word. The multitudes of transformed lives, the miracles, and the persecution were very real. We can thank God for those pioneers who – under the move and hand of God – paved the way for a renewed freedom and move of the Holy Spirit in Christ’s Church. The problems which arose were not with the move of the Spirit or with many of those who sought the Lord and came into the Baptism and life of the Spirit. Mostly the problems arose – as they do today – from those who wanted to avoid the cross. These were people who wanted the blessings of life in the Spirit, but who did not want to die to sin, flesh, and themselves.
As early as 1907, Frank Bartleman wrote of his dismay over these types of people who infiltrated the Pentecostal movement. Many flocked to Pentecostal movements all over the continent seeking the blessings of the spirit, but not wanting holiness, confession of sin, brokenness before the Lord, and taking up of the cross. We have the same root problem with us today. The modern church is filled with selfish, sinful people who want God’s blessings, but who do not want to go the way of the cross.
The problem has been further compounded by those false preachers, prophets, and teachers who refuse to preach the cross and what it costs to be a follower of Christ. Instead today’s “Christian” heaps to himself preachers, teachers, and prophets who tickle his flesh and make it feel comfortable – those who have become experts at creating a brand of “christianity” which seems to marry the flesh with the Spirit. This CANNOT be, however, since the flesh and the Spirit are enemies against each other. Scripture makes it clear that one must follow one or the other – God or mammon.
It is the shame of many Pentecostal/ Charismatic churches – although, not all (... the mistake of generalizing) – have abandoned the preaching of the cross, holiness, separation from the world, and the true full Gospel. Much of the modern church has abandoned the Christ of the Bible in favor of a “new and improved Christ” who has no cross, but only “love;” who has no holiness, but only “grace;” who has no justice, but only “blessings;” and who is not Judge, but merely a cosmic Santa Claus.
How we need those who will die to self, take up the cross, and be witnesses of the true Christ! How God longs for those who will live godly in Christ Jesus – in spite of the persecution! How we need those who choose to reject the world, who hate sin, who fear none but God; those who will do what He wants, speak what He says, and be molded into the image of Christ by the Word and the Spirit that Christ may have human representation of Himself to a lost and dying world. This is the Church of Jesus Christ.
May God help us. Brothers and sisters, work while it is yet day, for the night is coming when no man can work. Labor faithfully with Him. Fear not what man thinks or what man can do unto you, but fear Him who is your Redeemer and your King.
This article can be viewed also at www.johnthebaptisttv.com
frank bartleman,
the cross,
Wayne Greulich
Friday, April 15, 2011
What Does the Name Brian Mean?
I like my name, Brian. This was not always so in my early days as I perceived it to be somewhat bland, and so uninspiring. However a few years back I decided to research the original meaning of the name to see if there was anything insightful about what Brian meant. Several words emerged such as honorable, noble, strong, high, strength; etymologically speaking, it is believed possibly to derive from Old Celtic, to refer to a hill as in a lofty place, an exalted place. Interestingly during that season in my research via the Internet and in books, I kept coming across the following two words linked together in the following phrase: Strength and Honor.
Immediately upon that discovery I thought of the scene in the movie Gladiators at the beginning prior to the Romans’ confrontation with the barbarians. Maximus—the revered commander of the Roman military—valiantly inspires his troops: “Strength and Honor. Strength and Honor. Strength and Honor…Brothers, what we do in life echoes in eternity.”
“Strength and Honor” was used in the movie as a means of reminding each soldier of their code of conduct even in the face of death. I am unaware if it is historically accurate, nonetheless I found myself stirred all the more to become a man of strength and honor. It has significant implications about living a life of courageous faith and inner fortitude of character that emanates the life of Christ. When others call my name, it is a constant reminder: In Christ you exude STRENGTH and HONOR!
In closing I want to pray a blessing over all those who have been given the name BRIAN.
Father, I thank you for those of us that you’ve bestowed upon the name BRIAN—for this was not by accident. And I pray in this forthcoming season that there would be an IGNITING work of your Spirit in our lives so that we may seize the full prophetic implications of our namesake: “STRENGTH and HONOR”.
Ignite us Holy Spirit even in our weakness before you so that we may demonstrate your STRENGTH that confounds the wisdom of this world. Ignite us O Lord as we kneel before you so that your HONOR would go before all mankind.
I declare this day that those named BRIAN will be a part of the army of the Lord and go forth in STRENGTH and HONOR.
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The original movie poster. |
“Strength and Honor” was used in the movie as a means of reminding each soldier of their code of conduct even in the face of death. I am unaware if it is historically accurate, nonetheless I found myself stirred all the more to become a man of strength and honor. It has significant implications about living a life of courageous faith and inner fortitude of character that emanates the life of Christ. When others call my name, it is a constant reminder: In Christ you exude STRENGTH and HONOR!
In closing I want to pray a blessing over all those who have been given the name BRIAN.
Father, I thank you for those of us that you’ve bestowed upon the name BRIAN—for this was not by accident. And I pray in this forthcoming season that there would be an IGNITING work of your Spirit in our lives so that we may seize the full prophetic implications of our namesake: “STRENGTH and HONOR”.
Ignite us Holy Spirit even in our weakness before you so that we may demonstrate your STRENGTH that confounds the wisdom of this world. Ignite us O Lord as we kneel before you so that your HONOR would go before all mankind.
I declare this day that those named BRIAN will be a part of the army of the Lord and go forth in STRENGTH and HONOR.
strength and honor,
what does Brian mean?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Book That Made Your World | Vishal Mangalwadi
Vishal Mangalwadi sent out an email earlier today with some highlights that I want to share with you. Firstly he stated that his Op Ed piece, “Does the Bible Matter in the 21st Century?” has been published in the Opinion section of foxnews.com. Click here to read it.
Furthermore he has a forthcoming book due out that I mentioned in a previous blog posting (read this posting to learn who has endorsed Vishal's new book). Now he is offering a great deal on his new release for a limited time only.
“LIMITED OFFER: You can get a signed (postage free) copy of “The Book That Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization” for $15 only (retail $22.99) from www.RevelationMovement.com. A box of 24 copies can be purchased for $340 (postage free in America). The books should be mailed out by this weekend.”
I signed up tonight to join the Revelation Movement and was able to order my book in five minutes with relative ease (I used my Facebook account to sign on, but you can also sign on without using Facebook). I’ve read Vishal’s last book and I strongly recommend his writings. I’m very excited about this forthcoming book and it should be in my mailbox next week!
Furthermore he has a forthcoming book due out that I mentioned in a previous blog posting (read this posting to learn who has endorsed Vishal's new book). Now he is offering a great deal on his new release for a limited time only.
“LIMITED OFFER: You can get a signed (postage free) copy of “The Book That Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization” for $15 only (retail $22.99) from www.RevelationMovement.com. A box of 24 copies can be purchased for $340 (postage free in America). The books should be mailed out by this weekend.”
I signed up tonight to join the Revelation Movement and was able to order my book in five minutes with relative ease (I used my Facebook account to sign on, but you can also sign on without using Facebook). I’ve read Vishal’s last book and I strongly recommend his writings. I’m very excited about this forthcoming book and it should be in my mailbox next week!
Getting the Weirdness Out of the Prophetic Movement | J. Lee Grady
Here's a great article by J. Lee Grady, contributing editor at Charisma and blogger at Fire In My Bones. Over the years I have come to appreciate the thoughts that he shares with the body of Christ, especially when addressing the charismatic stream (of which I identify with). Enjoy this much needed word today! Blessings.
J. Lee Grady
Let’s reclaim the simple, profound purpose of prophecy—and reject all sensational substitutes.
When I was a college student, a visiting minister regularly came to preach at our campus meetings. At the end of his messages he would often point at someone in the room, smile and say something like, “You in the blue shirt, I believe the Lord has a word of encouragement for you.” Then he would prophesy.
This freaked me out! How could this man know what God was saying to someone else? What if he was wrong? I loved the gift of prophecy because I had benefitted from it myself. But I remember telling the Lord back in those days that I would never, ever stand in front of a group and prophesy to an individual like that. Way too scary!
Then, during a trip to China in 2000, an underground church leader asked me to come to a room in the hotel to meet with a group of ministers. When I arrived, the leader told my translator that she wanted me to prophesy over 14 ministers who were already seated around a table. I was cornered! I prayed a desperate prayer—“Help!”—and 90 minutes later I finished praying and prophesying over all those people. The Lord used a scared and insecure American guy to encourage those brave warriors—and I have prophesied to many people since then.
I believe prophecy is a powerful spiritual gift when it is used correctly. Paul told the Corinthians (who had been abusing charismatic gifts) that genuine prophecy has three important functions: (1) edification, (2) exhortation and (3) consolation (see 1 Cor. 14:3). When we give a word from God, it comforts the weary, encourages the fainthearted, propels them toward God’s purpose or breaks spiritual obstacles.
Genuine prophecy is one of the most potent weapons in God’s arsenal. But if we are not careful, the gift can be hijacked—either by devious spiritual con artists or by gullible Christians who don’t have proven character or a solid foundation in God’s Word. This is why the gift of discernment should operate alongside prophecy at all times.
Several people have recently asked my opinion about some of the “prophetic buzz” circulating in churches these days. I’m not the only one who is becoming increasingly concerned about the weirdness that is evident in some charismatic camps. My alarm bells often go off when I read some of the prophetic messages people are claiming to be from God. These messages usually have one or more of these characteristics:
1. Preoccupation with end-time predictions. No prominent prophet in the United States issued a clear warning about the recent earthquake in Japan. But in the aftermath of that disaster, many began to release dire predictions of subsequent quakes—stirring up doom and gloom among the saints. Now some are predicting explosions on the sun that will knock out all electrical power on earth. God never intended prophecy to cripple His church with fear. His word brings comfort, not foreboding.
2. Obsession with numbers. There is certainly a place for symbolic numbers in the Bible. But many prophets today seem to think that every number they see on a clock or a billboard is a message from God. God is not cryptic with His sons and daughters—He wants to speak to us plainly. His will is not a secret code to be deciphered.
3. Overemphasis on dreams. Of course we know God can speak through dreams. But the apostle Paul (whom we are called to imitate) received most of his guidance from the Holy Spirit while he was awake. Some ministers today are spending too much time in the pulpit describing their technicolor dreams—and this could actually lead people into error if the dream has more to do with pepperoni than biblical revelation. Stay focused on the Word!
4. Fascination with exotic visions and manifestations. Our movement has been invaded in recent years by many questionable influences—from New Age spirits to stigmata to a bizarre fixation on gold dust, gems, “angel” feathers and “manna.” In most cases those who claim the substances are real won’t have them verified. In Illinois, a church drew crowds because of reports that giant red and blue gems were falling from the ceiling. The people stopped coming after the guy in charge of the supposed supernatural display ran off with a woman who was not his wife. Please remember that everything that glitters is not gold.
5. Worship of elite prophets. It has become fashionable in parts of our movement today to drop the names of certain prophets in order to establish credibility. After all, if Prophet So-and-So said it, it must be true. Some of these prophets are quoted more often than Scripture—and such glorification of people borders on blasphemy. Groups that focus their attention on hyper-spiritual personalities and their prophecies can quickly drift into cultic behavior.
How do we avoid being deceived by false prophecy and unhealthy spiritual phenomena? The best way I know is to get our priorities in line with God’s Word.
The purpose of any genuine spiritual gift is to edify the church so we can fulfill the Great Commission. If our main goal is to win souls, plant healthy churches, make disciples and advance the gospel around the world, then prophecy can help us do those things. But if we focus on spiritual gifts as an end in themselves, our distraction will lead us into deception of the weirdest kind. Let’s get our eyes back on Jesus.
J. Lee Grady is contributing editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. His newest book is 10 Lies Men Believe (Charisma House).
Read more: http://www.charismamag.com/index.php/fire-in-my-bones/30684-getting-the-weirdness-out-of-the-prophetic-movement#readmore#ixzz1JSYjNLJV
J. Lee Grady
Let’s reclaim the simple, profound purpose of prophecy—and reject all sensational substitutes.
When I was a college student, a visiting minister regularly came to preach at our campus meetings. At the end of his messages he would often point at someone in the room, smile and say something like, “You in the blue shirt, I believe the Lord has a word of encouragement for you.” Then he would prophesy.
This freaked me out! How could this man know what God was saying to someone else? What if he was wrong? I loved the gift of prophecy because I had benefitted from it myself. But I remember telling the Lord back in those days that I would never, ever stand in front of a group and prophesy to an individual like that. Way too scary!
Then, during a trip to China in 2000, an underground church leader asked me to come to a room in the hotel to meet with a group of ministers. When I arrived, the leader told my translator that she wanted me to prophesy over 14 ministers who were already seated around a table. I was cornered! I prayed a desperate prayer—“Help!”—and 90 minutes later I finished praying and prophesying over all those people. The Lord used a scared and insecure American guy to encourage those brave warriors—and I have prophesied to many people since then.
I believe prophecy is a powerful spiritual gift when it is used correctly. Paul told the Corinthians (who had been abusing charismatic gifts) that genuine prophecy has three important functions: (1) edification, (2) exhortation and (3) consolation (see 1 Cor. 14:3). When we give a word from God, it comforts the weary, encourages the fainthearted, propels them toward God’s purpose or breaks spiritual obstacles.
Genuine prophecy is one of the most potent weapons in God’s arsenal. But if we are not careful, the gift can be hijacked—either by devious spiritual con artists or by gullible Christians who don’t have proven character or a solid foundation in God’s Word. This is why the gift of discernment should operate alongside prophecy at all times.
Several people have recently asked my opinion about some of the “prophetic buzz” circulating in churches these days. I’m not the only one who is becoming increasingly concerned about the weirdness that is evident in some charismatic camps. My alarm bells often go off when I read some of the prophetic messages people are claiming to be from God. These messages usually have one or more of these characteristics:
1. Preoccupation with end-time predictions. No prominent prophet in the United States issued a clear warning about the recent earthquake in Japan. But in the aftermath of that disaster, many began to release dire predictions of subsequent quakes—stirring up doom and gloom among the saints. Now some are predicting explosions on the sun that will knock out all electrical power on earth. God never intended prophecy to cripple His church with fear. His word brings comfort, not foreboding.
2. Obsession with numbers. There is certainly a place for symbolic numbers in the Bible. But many prophets today seem to think that every number they see on a clock or a billboard is a message from God. God is not cryptic with His sons and daughters—He wants to speak to us plainly. His will is not a secret code to be deciphered.
3. Overemphasis on dreams. Of course we know God can speak through dreams. But the apostle Paul (whom we are called to imitate) received most of his guidance from the Holy Spirit while he was awake. Some ministers today are spending too much time in the pulpit describing their technicolor dreams—and this could actually lead people into error if the dream has more to do with pepperoni than biblical revelation. Stay focused on the Word!
4. Fascination with exotic visions and manifestations. Our movement has been invaded in recent years by many questionable influences—from New Age spirits to stigmata to a bizarre fixation on gold dust, gems, “angel” feathers and “manna.” In most cases those who claim the substances are real won’t have them verified. In Illinois, a church drew crowds because of reports that giant red and blue gems were falling from the ceiling. The people stopped coming after the guy in charge of the supposed supernatural display ran off with a woman who was not his wife. Please remember that everything that glitters is not gold.
5. Worship of elite prophets. It has become fashionable in parts of our movement today to drop the names of certain prophets in order to establish credibility. After all, if Prophet So-and-So said it, it must be true. Some of these prophets are quoted more often than Scripture—and such glorification of people borders on blasphemy. Groups that focus their attention on hyper-spiritual personalities and their prophecies can quickly drift into cultic behavior.
How do we avoid being deceived by false prophecy and unhealthy spiritual phenomena? The best way I know is to get our priorities in line with God’s Word.
The purpose of any genuine spiritual gift is to edify the church so we can fulfill the Great Commission. If our main goal is to win souls, plant healthy churches, make disciples and advance the gospel around the world, then prophecy can help us do those things. But if we focus on spiritual gifts as an end in themselves, our distraction will lead us into deception of the weirdest kind. Let’s get our eyes back on Jesus.
J. Lee Grady is contributing editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. His newest book is 10 Lies Men Believe (Charisma House).
Read more: http://www.charismamag.com/index.php/fire-in-my-bones/30684-getting-the-weirdness-out-of-the-prophetic-movement#readmore#ixzz1JSYjNLJV
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I want to introduce my readers to David Ravenhill, a well respected minister of the Gospel who has ministered for decades. My wife and I had the honor of sitting under his ministry while attending Christ For the Nations Institute where he came to visit as a guest speaker. I've also read a few of his books over the years that have challenged me deeply. He wrote an article recently that is well worth your read, especially if you are a part of the charismatic stream. Please take time to read his other articles at his blog, THE ANVIL. I believe you will not be disappointed. Blessings!
For the past forty- five years of ministry I’ve been privileged to work with a number of world renowned men and ministries. I’ve traveled throughout the United States and around the world. For most of my ministry I have been involved in Pentecostal or Charismatic churches and ministries. As a teacher, I have always attempted to present a balanced Biblical perspective, avoiding the extremes that invariably seem to be associated with the Charismatic movement.
Having spent years around the prophetic movement, I’ve tried to be accepting of things that didn’t seem to fit my understanding of how things should be. I’ve always had a deep longing to see a true expression of God’s power released through His people in the area of the miraculous. I met Kathryn Kuhlman and spoke several times with John Wimber as well as numerous other men and women who moved in the supernatural.
I’m totally convinced that the Church will eventually be brought to a Mount Carmel showdown between the Living God and the enemy. I am also convinced that the last days will usher in an avalanche of spiritual deception as Jesus warned us about in His Olivet discourse. (Matthew 24)
Hopefully the foregoing intro will offset any charges that I’m some Johnny-come-lately, fresh out of seminary, who thinks he knows everything because he has some letters after his name.
Okay, let’s begin! My publisher sent out an e-mail this week to notify me that one of their authors was going to be appearing on a major Christian television show. The author had recently written a book on the ancient portals to heaven. The host of the show describes the author as having an understanding “that there are portals on the earth today where we can tap into the heavenly realm.”
Intrigued, I called my publisher to find the day and time for this interview. Had I overlooked something in my study of God’s word? My father who prayed hours every day never told me anything about any portals he had discovered. Perhaps I was absent from the lecture hall the day my college professor taught on portals, but surely my fellow classmates would have let me know. Was this so deep that it was hidden from the wise and prudent and revealed only to babes? I do have a rather impressive collection of books numbering in the thousands, yet none of these mention portals. Because I have no real knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, perhaps there was something new to learn that my English translation failed to reveal. Then again I may just be spiritually blind or totally ignorant. After all I’ve never claimed to know everything about the Bible. That’s especially true when it come to eschatology. I’m still trying to figure it all out.
After discovering I had missed the live broadcasts, I was told I could watch it over the Internet. Not long afterward I watched and listened with interest to a young man who claimed to have seen some unusual miracles in his meetings. Several convincing video clips were shown of his meetings where people were testifying to having steel rods disappear from their bodies. Others told of instant weight loss and showed their baggy britches to prove it. The list went on and on. The host of the program then began to ask about these ‘portals’. The guest explained that there are two types of portals; geographic portals and seasonal portals. These portals are places where there is an open heaven to God’s glorious presence. The author went on to say that when you combine a geographic portal with a seasonal portal then you’ve have hit the ‘jackpot’. This double blessing takes place during one of the Jewish feasts in places like Jerusalem, Bethel, or some other significant biblical site. Wow! Tell me more…. This is exciting stuff even for someone like me. Where have I been all these years? How could I have not known this before? I’m sixty eight, but imagine if I had heard about this as a young man? Think how much more effective my ministry could have been.
Forgive me. I’m pulling your leg a little here. To tell you the truth something began to worry me the moment I heard all this stuff. It just didn’t gel with my understanding of scripture. I thought I was listening to a realtor with an emphasis on location, location, location. Here is my concern.
First of all there is no emphasis on anything like this in the New Testament. Paul never mentions it anywhere in his writings. Neither do Peter, James, John or any other writers for that matter. How could these apostolic giants miss something so vitally important?
Well that leaves Jesus. Let me see…ah, yes! There was some mention somewhere about a famous well and an even greater city. That’s it. I remember now. It was when He talked to the woman at the well. The well was said to be dug by none other than the patriarch, Jacob. Now Jacob was a significant individual. I mean, he was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jesus however never ‘glorified’ the well. The woman said, “Our fathers worshiped on this mountain but you say that Jerusalem is the place to worship”. Jesus responded by saying to her, “Woman believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem shall you worship the Father.”
Now according to the author, Jesus must have had it all wrong. He should have told the woman forget your mountain and well. Instead, go to Jerusalem. There is a portal there that will get you straight through to God.
When Jesus told His disciples that He was going away, Thomas responded by asking, “Lord we do not know where you are going. How do we know the way?” Jesus said I AM THE WAY! This is the only ‘portal’ God endorses. The veil has been rent and we have boldness to enter through a new and living way. When Jesus was asked by His disciples how to pray, He told them to enter into their closet and shut the door, and pray to your Father in secret. Why didn’t He tell them about some divine portal they could go to?
There is grave danger in placing an emphasis on times, seasons and places. This may work for the New Age crowd but has no place in the Body of Christ.
The second reason for concern is that this type of teaching discriminates between those that have resources, and those that don’t. If you have the time and money to make your pilgrimage to one of these portals, you’ll have instant access to the Throne Room. If you can’t afford to travel, then “ tough luck”. You will have to seek God the way the rest of us do.
I’ve been around the prophetic ministry a great deal of my life. I’m constantly amazed at how they reinvent themselves. This appears to be their latest gig. It has a certain ‘wow factor’ to it. Let’s face it, it’s easier to travel than to travail.
Now please believe me when I say I want all God has available for me. I consistently pray. “Eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man all that the Lord has prepared for those who love Him”. However, the teacher in me raises a red flag and screams “Look out.” Someone recently said “for every mile you walk there are two miles of ditches on either side”. This is certainly true as it relates to the supernatural. I sense a growing longing in many for more of God’s manifest presence; however, one of the dangers associated with this is that we can be so thirsty for more that we satisfy that thirst by drinking from polluted waters.
I’ve said my piece now and shared my heart.
Well, I’m off to India to take a plunge in the Ganges. Then I plan to fly to France and spend some time at Lourdes. Following that I hope to make my way to Rome and from there fly to Mecca. If I can’t find the answer there, I’m guaranteed an open heaven in Jerusalem….especially if I can get there by the Feast of Pentecost. Speaking of Jerusalem, isn’t it called Sodom in the Book of Revelation? Oh, I’m so confused. Where’s my rosary and prayer shawl…I need to pray. Ha!
For the past forty- five years of ministry I’ve been privileged to work with a number of world renowned men and ministries. I’ve traveled throughout the United States and around the world. For most of my ministry I have been involved in Pentecostal or Charismatic churches and ministries. As a teacher, I have always attempted to present a balanced Biblical perspective, avoiding the extremes that invariably seem to be associated with the Charismatic movement.
Having spent years around the prophetic movement, I’ve tried to be accepting of things that didn’t seem to fit my understanding of how things should be. I’ve always had a deep longing to see a true expression of God’s power released through His people in the area of the miraculous. I met Kathryn Kuhlman and spoke several times with John Wimber as well as numerous other men and women who moved in the supernatural.
I’m totally convinced that the Church will eventually be brought to a Mount Carmel showdown between the Living God and the enemy. I am also convinced that the last days will usher in an avalanche of spiritual deception as Jesus warned us about in His Olivet discourse. (Matthew 24)
Hopefully the foregoing intro will offset any charges that I’m some Johnny-come-lately, fresh out of seminary, who thinks he knows everything because he has some letters after his name.
Okay, let’s begin! My publisher sent out an e-mail this week to notify me that one of their authors was going to be appearing on a major Christian television show. The author had recently written a book on the ancient portals to heaven. The host of the show describes the author as having an understanding “that there are portals on the earth today where we can tap into the heavenly realm.”
Intrigued, I called my publisher to find the day and time for this interview. Had I overlooked something in my study of God’s word? My father who prayed hours every day never told me anything about any portals he had discovered. Perhaps I was absent from the lecture hall the day my college professor taught on portals, but surely my fellow classmates would have let me know. Was this so deep that it was hidden from the wise and prudent and revealed only to babes? I do have a rather impressive collection of books numbering in the thousands, yet none of these mention portals. Because I have no real knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, perhaps there was something new to learn that my English translation failed to reveal. Then again I may just be spiritually blind or totally ignorant. After all I’ve never claimed to know everything about the Bible. That’s especially true when it come to eschatology. I’m still trying to figure it all out.
After discovering I had missed the live broadcasts, I was told I could watch it over the Internet. Not long afterward I watched and listened with interest to a young man who claimed to have seen some unusual miracles in his meetings. Several convincing video clips were shown of his meetings where people were testifying to having steel rods disappear from their bodies. Others told of instant weight loss and showed their baggy britches to prove it. The list went on and on. The host of the program then began to ask about these ‘portals’. The guest explained that there are two types of portals; geographic portals and seasonal portals. These portals are places where there is an open heaven to God’s glorious presence. The author went on to say that when you combine a geographic portal with a seasonal portal then you’ve have hit the ‘jackpot’. This double blessing takes place during one of the Jewish feasts in places like Jerusalem, Bethel, or some other significant biblical site. Wow! Tell me more…. This is exciting stuff even for someone like me. Where have I been all these years? How could I have not known this before? I’m sixty eight, but imagine if I had heard about this as a young man? Think how much more effective my ministry could have been.
Forgive me. I’m pulling your leg a little here. To tell you the truth something began to worry me the moment I heard all this stuff. It just didn’t gel with my understanding of scripture. I thought I was listening to a realtor with an emphasis on location, location, location. Here is my concern.
First of all there is no emphasis on anything like this in the New Testament. Paul never mentions it anywhere in his writings. Neither do Peter, James, John or any other writers for that matter. How could these apostolic giants miss something so vitally important?
Well that leaves Jesus. Let me see…ah, yes! There was some mention somewhere about a famous well and an even greater city. That’s it. I remember now. It was when He talked to the woman at the well. The well was said to be dug by none other than the patriarch, Jacob. Now Jacob was a significant individual. I mean, he was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jesus however never ‘glorified’ the well. The woman said, “Our fathers worshiped on this mountain but you say that Jerusalem is the place to worship”. Jesus responded by saying to her, “Woman believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem shall you worship the Father.”
Now according to the author, Jesus must have had it all wrong. He should have told the woman forget your mountain and well. Instead, go to Jerusalem. There is a portal there that will get you straight through to God.
When Jesus told His disciples that He was going away, Thomas responded by asking, “Lord we do not know where you are going. How do we know the way?” Jesus said I AM THE WAY! This is the only ‘portal’ God endorses. The veil has been rent and we have boldness to enter through a new and living way. When Jesus was asked by His disciples how to pray, He told them to enter into their closet and shut the door, and pray to your Father in secret. Why didn’t He tell them about some divine portal they could go to?
There is grave danger in placing an emphasis on times, seasons and places. This may work for the New Age crowd but has no place in the Body of Christ.
The second reason for concern is that this type of teaching discriminates between those that have resources, and those that don’t. If you have the time and money to make your pilgrimage to one of these portals, you’ll have instant access to the Throne Room. If you can’t afford to travel, then “ tough luck”. You will have to seek God the way the rest of us do.
I’ve been around the prophetic ministry a great deal of my life. I’m constantly amazed at how they reinvent themselves. This appears to be their latest gig. It has a certain ‘wow factor’ to it. Let’s face it, it’s easier to travel than to travail.
Now please believe me when I say I want all God has available for me. I consistently pray. “Eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man all that the Lord has prepared for those who love Him”. However, the teacher in me raises a red flag and screams “Look out.” Someone recently said “for every mile you walk there are two miles of ditches on either side”. This is certainly true as it relates to the supernatural. I sense a growing longing in many for more of God’s manifest presence; however, one of the dangers associated with this is that we can be so thirsty for more that we satisfy that thirst by drinking from polluted waters.
I’ve said my piece now and shared my heart.
Well, I’m off to India to take a plunge in the Ganges. Then I plan to fly to France and spend some time at Lourdes. Following that I hope to make my way to Rome and from there fly to Mecca. If I can’t find the answer there, I’m guaranteed an open heaven in Jerusalem….especially if I can get there by the Feast of Pentecost. Speaking of Jerusalem, isn’t it called Sodom in the Book of Revelation? Oh, I’m so confused. Where’s my rosary and prayer shawl…I need to pray. Ha!
Friday, April 8, 2011
America's Carmel Moment | Vishal Mangalwadi
Rights are hereby given to reprint this article provided you acknowledge (a) the author’s website www.RevelationMovement.com and (b) the author’s forthcoming book The Book That Made Your World as the source of this essay.
According to the US Treasury, during March 2011, the Federal Government spent eight times more than its total income:
People are realizing that, like Greece, America can no longer repay its debt without getting into greater debt. So what will the US do?
There is, however, another option: on Mount Carmel, Elijah urged Israel to repent and return to her Foundation – the Truth.
The world did not trust America because of Capitalism but because of American Character born of her commitment: “In God we Trust.” Now the world is insecure because secular America has changed its motto to, “In Greed We Trust.”
Bowles is not alone in predicting that it will stop raining. The famine will follow. In March, before the Treasury Report, the TIME magazine and CNN’s Fareed Zakaria expressed similar fears. The drought and the famine will hurt, but they could lead to a new quest for truth, repentance, and a new birth. Can America rediscover the historical truth about its own greatness? What created America’s character, freedoms, inventiveness, trustworthiness, economic and institutional success? What made it a light to the nations? These are questions explored in “The Book That Made Your World: How The Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization.” (Thomas Nelson). My book is already selling on Kindle and will be launched formally in Atlanta on April 21 (see below).
For the tough times that do lie ahead, the good news is that like Elijah on Mount Carmel, this book graciously confronts “apostate” America with irrefutable Truth. As Dr. MacDonald says below, a small rudder could have saved the Titanic: This book could help change America’s direction and alter its destiny. Here is what people, who care deeply for America, are saying about this book:
Dallas Willard, Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
The condition of a society, good or bad, is the outflow of communal character—of what the usual citizen is prepared to do as if it were obviously right, and is prepared to sacrifice for if necessary. That communal character, in turn, arises out of a system of ideas and beliefs about what is real and what is good. The system of ideas and beliefs that gave rise to and sustained the “Western” world has its unique source in the Bible and in traditions arising out of it. Devotion to truth, to the common good and to the good of every individual, and—within that framework—freedom to live as one chooses, has never in world history had another foundation than the Bible. Look and see. The failure of contemporary education and intelligence is nowhere more manifest than in the appalling ignorance of “leaders” about the true foundation of our ideals and practices of public order and private well-being. With solid, detailed information, clarity of presentation, and logical force, Vishal Mangalwadi enables anyone willing to see how our “Western” world depends entirely upon what the Bible, and it alone, teaches about reality and how to live. We must be aware of that dependence, and of the manifold follies of well-meaning people who, for around two centuries now, have tried to set the Christian outcome upon a secular or non-Christian basis. At this point our institutions are lost. It is time for the prophet. Here we have one.
Chuck Colson, Founder of Prison Fellowship and the Colson Center for Christian Worldview
“I have been a great admirer of Vishal Mangalwadi, and his latest work only enhances my admiration. His uniquely Indian perspective on the centrality of the Bible for the development of the West and its emphasis on human dignity makes The Book that Made Your World essential reading for any thinking Christian. And it serves as a stark warning to the Western world that we forget the Bible and the Christian faith only at great peril to our liberty and even our survival.”
Ravi Zacharias, Author and Speaker
"This is an extremely significant piece of work with huge global implications. For too long now the West has flirted with a Naturalistic worldview that has jeopardized the most sacred aspects of life and living. If the trend to debunk the Bible continues in halls of learning and in institutions that shape Western culture the cost will be that of self-destruction. Vishal therefore brings a timely message and shows how profoundly and meaningfully the Bible does have the prescription for bringing healing to the nations that have never known human dignity or social, economic, and political freedoms."
Hugh Maclellan Jr., Executive Chairman, The Maclellan Foundation, Inc.
"The Book That Made Your World reinforces my 8-year-old assessment that Vishal Mangalwadi understands America better than our own leaders do."
George Marsden, Professor of History (Retd) at the University of Notre Dame
"Vishal Mangalwadi recounts history in very broad strokes always using his cross-cultural perspectives for highlighting the many benefits of biblical principles in shaping civilization."
David Lyle Jeffrey, PhD., FRSC, Distinguished Professor of Literature and the Humanities Baylor University, Waco, TX
"This is a highly accessible intellectual history, part spiritual autobiography, part prophetic warning to the declining West. Mangalwadi's perspective is that of a widely-read Christian from the 'Global South.' From it he provides a sober, unflattering assessment of our identity crisis, showing how it results from an under-nourished, severely atrophied world-view, increasingly divorced as we are from the biblical foundation that once gave us both coherence and a self transcending sense of purpose."
Ranald Macaulay, Founder of ‘Christian Heritage’, Cambridge, England
"After the seismic shocks of the recent financial crisis (the after effects of which are still unknown) I know no other book I would rather have anyone read. Not since Francis Schaeffer’s ‘How Should we then Live?’ in 1977 have we had so lucid and far-ranging an explanation of what troubles the global community. The author’s scholarship and intellectual penetration are everywhere apparent, yet never at the expense of a simple, straightforward and even disarming narrative. I can’t recommend it too highly."
Andrew Briggs, Professor of Nanomaterials, University of Oxford
"Vishal Mangalwadi touches on many of the ways in which the Bible has so decisively influenced every aspect of Western Civilization, richly illustrated from his own experiences and observations."
David McDonald, HealthTeams International and Mars Hill Foundation, WA
"A small change in direction could have altered the Titanic’s fate. Many are seeing the West headed towards catastrophe, but this highly readable, Eastern overview of our history could reshape our future."
Jeff Fountain, Director, Schuman Centre for European Studies, The Netherlands
"This book is well overdue! If there is one book that has shaped Europe's art, architecture, commerce, education, ethics, family life, freedom, government, healthcare, law, language, literature, music, politics, science, social reform and much more, it is the Bible. Yet Biblical illiteracy is almost universal in Europe today. Ignorance or prejudice has kept the Bible out of school curricula at all levels—with serious consequences. We need Vishal's clear, prophetic, Eastern voice to jolt us back to reality before our rich biblical heritage slips beyond our grasp."
Eugene Habecker, President, Taylor University
"An intriguing and necessary read. While the subject matter is of immense importance to understanding Western civilization, rarely have I seen this topic addressed with the breadth represented here. Vishal references competing "truth claims" and discusses their inadequacies for providing hope for a world engaged in ever increasing upheaval. I'm persuaded that reading this book will become an important part of the Christian university curriculum."
Art Lindsley, Senior Fellow, the C. S. Lewis Institute, Washington DC
"Vishal’s book is one of a kind; vast in scope, penetrating in its depth, prophetic in its message, yet easy to read. If we fail to listen and recover the importance of the Bible in personal and public life, then the sun may set on the West. This book is a tract for our times and a must read for anyone concerned with impacting our culture."
The Book That Made Your World is already selling on Kindle. Hard copies are expected by April 15. It retails for $22.99. You can pre-order a postage free signed copy in the USA for $15 from http://www.revelationmovement.com/
Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi’s letters to Arun Shourie, Missionary Conspiracy: Letters to a Postmodern Hindu can be obtained from http://www.revelationmovement.com/
Please join www.RevelationMovement.com and become a regular donor to make it possible for us to make a weekly video for YouTube.
Rights are hereby given to reprint this article provided you acknowledge (a) the author’s website www.RevelationMovement.com and (b) the author’s forthcoming book The Book That Made Your World as the source of this essay.
According to the US Treasury, during March 2011, the Federal Government spent eight times more than its total income:
- Total expense --- $1.0528 trillion
- Net income (Federal Taxes) --- $128.179 billion! Out of this $120 billion went for domestic liabilities (Social Security - $49.8 billion + Medicare – $47.4 billion + Medicaid - $22.575 billion).
- By “selling” new “Securities,” the Federal Government borrowed six times its income ($786.5 billion) simply to repay earlier loans (705.3 billion) called Securities.
Bowles was telling America what prophet Elijah told Ahab (Israel’s king): It is certain that off shore winds will no longer rain prosperity upon our land.“I'm really concerned...I think we face the most predictable economic crisis in history. A lot of us sitting in this room didn't see this last crisis (2007-08) as it came upon us. But this one is really easy to see. The fiscal path we are on today is simply not sustainable. This debt and these deficits that we are incurring on an annual basis are like a cancer and they are truly going to destroy this country from within unless we have the common sense to do something about it. . . I used to say that I got into this thing for my grandchildren. I have eight grandchildren under five years old. I'll have one more in a week. And my life is wonderful and it is wild. But this problem is going to happen long before my grandchildren grow up. This problem is going to happen . . . It may be two years, you know, maybe a little less, maybe a little more. But if our bankers over there in Asia begin to believe that we're not going to be solid on our debt, that we're not going to be able to meet our obligations, just stop and think for a minute what happens if they just stop buying our debt [Securities]. . . What happens to interest rates? . . . And what happens to the U.S. economy? The markets will absolutely devastate us if we don't step up to this problem. The problem is real, the solutions are painful . . . “
Erskine Bowles
People are realizing that, like Greece, America can no longer repay its debt without getting into greater debt. So what will the US do?
- Raise Taxes and drive businesses away from America?
- Slash Pentagon – follow Russia and cease being superpower – economic as well as military?
- Print dollars and inflict inflation on the poor?
- Devalue dollar and destroy the world’s confidence in capitalism?
- Declare Bankruptcy and cheat its lenders?
There is, however, another option: on Mount Carmel, Elijah urged Israel to repent and return to her Foundation – the Truth.
The world did not trust America because of Capitalism but because of American Character born of her commitment: “In God we Trust.” Now the world is insecure because secular America has changed its motto to, “In Greed We Trust.”
Bowles is not alone in predicting that it will stop raining. The famine will follow. In March, before the Treasury Report, the TIME magazine and CNN’s Fareed Zakaria expressed similar fears. The drought and the famine will hurt, but they could lead to a new quest for truth, repentance, and a new birth. Can America rediscover the historical truth about its own greatness? What created America’s character, freedoms, inventiveness, trustworthiness, economic and institutional success? What made it a light to the nations? These are questions explored in “The Book That Made Your World: How The Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization.” (Thomas Nelson). My book is already selling on Kindle and will be launched formally in Atlanta on April 21 (see below).
![]() |
A book that needs to be on your "must read" list! |
Dallas Willard, Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
The condition of a society, good or bad, is the outflow of communal character—of what the usual citizen is prepared to do as if it were obviously right, and is prepared to sacrifice for if necessary. That communal character, in turn, arises out of a system of ideas and beliefs about what is real and what is good. The system of ideas and beliefs that gave rise to and sustained the “Western” world has its unique source in the Bible and in traditions arising out of it. Devotion to truth, to the common good and to the good of every individual, and—within that framework—freedom to live as one chooses, has never in world history had another foundation than the Bible. Look and see. The failure of contemporary education and intelligence is nowhere more manifest than in the appalling ignorance of “leaders” about the true foundation of our ideals and practices of public order and private well-being. With solid, detailed information, clarity of presentation, and logical force, Vishal Mangalwadi enables anyone willing to see how our “Western” world depends entirely upon what the Bible, and it alone, teaches about reality and how to live. We must be aware of that dependence, and of the manifold follies of well-meaning people who, for around two centuries now, have tried to set the Christian outcome upon a secular or non-Christian basis. At this point our institutions are lost. It is time for the prophet. Here we have one.
Chuck Colson, Founder of Prison Fellowship and the Colson Center for Christian Worldview
“I have been a great admirer of Vishal Mangalwadi, and his latest work only enhances my admiration. His uniquely Indian perspective on the centrality of the Bible for the development of the West and its emphasis on human dignity makes The Book that Made Your World essential reading for any thinking Christian. And it serves as a stark warning to the Western world that we forget the Bible and the Christian faith only at great peril to our liberty and even our survival.”
Ravi Zacharias, Author and Speaker
"This is an extremely significant piece of work with huge global implications. For too long now the West has flirted with a Naturalistic worldview that has jeopardized the most sacred aspects of life and living. If the trend to debunk the Bible continues in halls of learning and in institutions that shape Western culture the cost will be that of self-destruction. Vishal therefore brings a timely message and shows how profoundly and meaningfully the Bible does have the prescription for bringing healing to the nations that have never known human dignity or social, economic, and political freedoms."
Hugh Maclellan Jr., Executive Chairman, The Maclellan Foundation, Inc.
"The Book That Made Your World reinforces my 8-year-old assessment that Vishal Mangalwadi understands America better than our own leaders do."
George Marsden, Professor of History (Retd) at the University of Notre Dame
"Vishal Mangalwadi recounts history in very broad strokes always using his cross-cultural perspectives for highlighting the many benefits of biblical principles in shaping civilization."
David Lyle Jeffrey, PhD., FRSC, Distinguished Professor of Literature and the Humanities Baylor University, Waco, TX
"This is a highly accessible intellectual history, part spiritual autobiography, part prophetic warning to the declining West. Mangalwadi's perspective is that of a widely-read Christian from the 'Global South.' From it he provides a sober, unflattering assessment of our identity crisis, showing how it results from an under-nourished, severely atrophied world-view, increasingly divorced as we are from the biblical foundation that once gave us both coherence and a self transcending sense of purpose."
Ranald Macaulay, Founder of ‘Christian Heritage’, Cambridge, England
"After the seismic shocks of the recent financial crisis (the after effects of which are still unknown) I know no other book I would rather have anyone read. Not since Francis Schaeffer’s ‘How Should we then Live?’ in 1977 have we had so lucid and far-ranging an explanation of what troubles the global community. The author’s scholarship and intellectual penetration are everywhere apparent, yet never at the expense of a simple, straightforward and even disarming narrative. I can’t recommend it too highly."
Andrew Briggs, Professor of Nanomaterials, University of Oxford
"Vishal Mangalwadi touches on many of the ways in which the Bible has so decisively influenced every aspect of Western Civilization, richly illustrated from his own experiences and observations."
David McDonald, HealthTeams International and Mars Hill Foundation, WA
"A small change in direction could have altered the Titanic’s fate. Many are seeing the West headed towards catastrophe, but this highly readable, Eastern overview of our history could reshape our future."
Jeff Fountain, Director, Schuman Centre for European Studies, The Netherlands
"This book is well overdue! If there is one book that has shaped Europe's art, architecture, commerce, education, ethics, family life, freedom, government, healthcare, law, language, literature, music, politics, science, social reform and much more, it is the Bible. Yet Biblical illiteracy is almost universal in Europe today. Ignorance or prejudice has kept the Bible out of school curricula at all levels—with serious consequences. We need Vishal's clear, prophetic, Eastern voice to jolt us back to reality before our rich biblical heritage slips beyond our grasp."
Eugene Habecker, President, Taylor University
"An intriguing and necessary read. While the subject matter is of immense importance to understanding Western civilization, rarely have I seen this topic addressed with the breadth represented here. Vishal references competing "truth claims" and discusses their inadequacies for providing hope for a world engaged in ever increasing upheaval. I'm persuaded that reading this book will become an important part of the Christian university curriculum."
Art Lindsley, Senior Fellow, the C. S. Lewis Institute, Washington DC
"Vishal’s book is one of a kind; vast in scope, penetrating in its depth, prophetic in its message, yet easy to read. If we fail to listen and recover the importance of the Bible in personal and public life, then the sun may set on the West. This book is a tract for our times and a must read for anyone concerned with impacting our culture."
The Book That Made Your World is already selling on Kindle. Hard copies are expected by April 15. It retails for $22.99. You can pre-order a postage free signed copy in the USA for $15 from http://www.revelationmovement.com/
Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi’s letters to Arun Shourie, Missionary Conspiracy: Letters to a Postmodern Hindu can be obtained from http://www.revelationmovement.com/
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Rights are hereby given to reprint this article provided you acknowledge (a) the author’s website www.RevelationMovement.com and (b) the author’s forthcoming book The Book That Made Your World as the source of this essay.
Great Spurgeon Quote on Apostolic Leaders
Charles Spurgeon one of the greatest preachers of the 19th century, posed a question to his audience that is relevant to our times: "Why isn’t the Church accomplishing more in the area of world missions?" He paused to allow the question to sink in—suddenly, he boomed with intensity: "Because we have not apostolic men, they do not go about their work in an apostolic style, they do not have apostolic churches backing them up, and they have not the apostolic influence of the Holy Ghost!”
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