The reason many people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment. Dr. Larry Chonko, Professor at Baylor University
What has God put in your heart that you really want the most right now?
What is God’s purpose for you right now?
Is there anything in your life that is sacrificing what God wants for you right now?
If so, what are you going to do about it?
Sometimes it is better to ask questions, and listen.
For the Cause,
Brian Francis Hume
The answer to your question in all honesty is yes! There are things stand between me and what God wants of me...
What am I going to do about it. I am still trying to figure that one out?
Thank you for your honesty and transparency. Continue to allow the Holy Spirit to probe your heart. Spend time with the Lord. Search the Scriptures to see what He would have you do during this season of your life in order to remove anything that would hinder what He has in mind. It seems that as I am writing this, Zechariah 3 is a significant chapter for you right now to read.
Be blessed!
Brian Francis Hume
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