This post was originally an article written by Doug Phillips of Vision Forum. However, a believer was kind enough to post a comment that pointed me to a number of other blogs out there showing Doug Phillips to have strong racial prejudices that were inconsistent with biblical truth. My own heart was grieved deeply due to my ignorant “endorsement” of a ministry that openly recommends reading authors who are racists. I will not tolerate this—and I do ask my readers for their forgiveness in for my ignorance. I should be more responsible to search out those whom I recommend on my blog. Indeed it is a lesson well received!
For the Cause,
Brian Francis Hume
Thanks for this going to ponder this myself..and have sent it along to a few others I know..
Have a blessed New Year!
"Forgive Those Who Have Wronged You" I not surprised to see Doug Phillips say this. He took a lot of heat in 2007 for his sinful behavior, but rather than repenting of his sins he plays the victim.
I'm so disappointed by Doug Phillips. What's been exposed about him in the past year is shocking. Our family feels very ripped off because we've bought so many things from his Vision Forum. We're going to be a whole lot more careful in the future. It just goes to show how easily we can be deceived by appearances. Doug Phillips has had such a polished public image but is the real man just a wolf in sheep's clothing?
Doug Phillips Film Flim Flam, Raising The Allosaur
Doug Phillips Racist and White Supremacist
Vision Forum Purveyor of Racist Literature
Thank you for taking the time to share this with me. I was leary of their reconstructionist viewpoint, but I was completely unaware of this blatant bigotry. Thank you again!
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