When I ministered at the Embracing God's Glory conference in Temple, Texas last March, the worship was led by Beth Hislop. She did a phenomenal job—her love for Jesus enabled all to focus solely on Him during worship. Honestly I don't think I would've been able to minister at such a high level of the anointing at the conference apart from the worship she led. Without question I came to a deeper appreciation for her ministry during that time—now I know firsthand the value of the heart that she possesses.
I want to stand with her in what the Lord has called her to pursue in this hour. Read on and prayerfully consider standing with her as she stands before God for our Nation.
Dear Friends,
This is an urgent request for prayer and emergency support. I have been asked by Matt Lockett, the director of Bound 4 Life, to come and serve at the Justice House of Prayer in Washington, DC. (http://www.jhop.org/) I believe this is a summon from the Lord for me.
I received a call from Matt last week. Since Lou Engle has asked all of the teams and interns from all of the JHOP’s to go to San Diego for 40 days of prayer and fasting leading up to The Call San Diego and the Elections, Matt is assembling a team to fuel the JHOP in DC. Because of the vital need for intercession to go up in DC leading up to the election, and for the continued presence at the Supreme Court, Matt asked me if I would be willing and available to be on the team for the Facedown 40 and come live in DC starting on September 18th. As the leadership of the Fredericksburg Prayer Furnace is releasing me and sending me, I will be joining the team as I feel God is calling me to lay aside that time to serve Lou, Matt, the cause for the ending of abortion and crying out for mercy during the next few months leading up to the elections in November. I believe this is a pivotal point in the History of our nation. I believe that the next 7-8 weeks will shape the course of our history.
I believe that God has summoned me to go, but financially I cannot do it without your help. I am sending this letter as a request for emergency support. God is my provider, and He has shown himself so faithful to me! I had several dreams last night of getting gifts and of prosperity financially, so I know He will provide. With that said, I really felt led to take this step of faith to ask you if you would prayerfully consider donating financially, a one time gift, to support me while I am at JHOP.
Many of you know I am in the process of raising support as I am now on full-time staff with the Fredericksburg Prayer Furnace. I will still continue my fundraising for the last months of this year and for next year with the official launch of the Prayer Furnace. However, I do not have the finances at this point to support myself enough to go to DC. Having looked at my finances and needs, I need to raise $800 by Sept. 15th in order to go to JHOP. I will also need another $800 by the end of my time in at JHOP in November.All donations are tax deductible. (http://www.theprayerfurnace.org)/
In 1999 Bob Jones spoke that the next president would come out of Texas and he would be a Burning Bush, and that IF the church would pray, in the second part of his second term he would do more to end abortion, restrain the homosexual agenda and to put prayer back in schools.” Then the word went on to say, “…if the church will pray, we will get eight more years of righteousness.” I believe the time is urgent to pray. We are already in a historical moment with these elections. As our nation decides who will be our next president, we must pray. Also, I ask for your prayers as I enter into this battle. Our team will be small. 12 people. But we will fight in intercession and worship for our nation and for our next president and for the ending of abortion.
Thank you so much for your prayers and consideration. I am so excited about what the Lord is doing and is going to do. I am excited to go fight, for our country and for our leaders, in intercession.
During the 40 days, as a team, we will be consistently sending out updates on what is going on and you will be able to watch video clips of the prayer room online. I will let you know how to access this information once it is set up. If you have a twitter account, we will be sending out updates on that as well.
If you could please consider responding within the next 5 days, And as always please keep me and the team in your prayers. Blessings to you!
I love you.
You can send your checks, made out to: Fredericksburg Prayer Furnace, to:
Beth Hislop
255 Maryfox Rd
Tappahannock, VA 22560
All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt in the mail.
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