This is the time of the year when there are many across the nation graduating from high school or college or some higher level educational program. I found on Stephen Mansfield's blog a list of 10 things that he highly recommends for all graduates. For those loved ones that are graduating this year, why don't you take the time to compile your list of ten things that you would highly recommend to them as a new graduate.
Stephen's 10
09 August
A dear friend and faithful reader of my blogs recently asked me to write some advice to his son on the occasion of the young man's graduation from college. He didn't want explanations. He wanted the simple maxims that play in my head as I live my life. It was an interesting assignment and I thought I would share what he has come to call "Stephen's 10" and in the same spare form he requested. Use these. Make them your own. Most of all, live an exceptional life, for heaven's sake!
1. Take God seriously and very little else.
2. Live everyday as though it were your last, for one day you are sure to be right.
3. History favors the bold.
4. You have a destiny and your destiny is fulfilled by investing in the destiny of others.
5. We make a living by what we earn and we make a life by what we give.
6. The best things in life are seasonal.
7. Thoreau said the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation. Don’t be one of them.
8. Life is too short for bitterness, anger and self-pity. See them as the enemies of your happiness.
9. A change is as good as a rest.
10. Do something every day that scares you.
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