Note: Lampstand Convergence begins Friday, 7pm (1pm est) in Herrhut with James Goll, Jason Hubbard, Paul Wemmer, Jon & Jolene. YWAM Burn worship.
Greetings from Herrnhut Germany! I apologize for not writing earlier. It has been an incredibly busy time—but very rewarding in the Lord. Thank you for your notes of encouragement on this prayer project. We are grateful for the Lord’s impact and are praying for a fresh filling of Holy Spirit as we culminate on Pentecost/the Global Day of Prayer.
Resolution Report
We have had tremendous experiences in God here, which I will share on in just a moment. But first, let me share briefly about Resolution. We had a very weighty time in the Lord, resetting our betrothal covenant with the Lord Friday evening and releasing governmentally the “Great Return” Saturday evening. Here is an encouraging note from Randy Demain to his intercessors:
The betrotahl conference was over the top. We literally felt the shift in the heavens and the earth as we renewed our betrothal covenant with the Lord, the glory was heavy, the presence of angels and the witness of the Holy Spirit was like none other I have ever experienced! The remainder of the conference was great as Jon brought his word and we blessed long time DC prayer saints Dick Simmons and Corinthia Boone who were present. Once again prayer prevailed and a tangable change has been made for the good in our nation!
The Lord has brought us on quite a journey these last few months: from Oklahoma City to IHOP-KC with the student awakening to Washington DC to reset covenant with the Lord, and finally to Herrnhut Germany.
To pray on the same ground where Count Zinzendorf and the Moravian forefathers interceded night and day for 100 years is incredible. From this Moravian prayer movement, God birthed the moderns missions movement and two great awakenings. We have a strong sense that this “tabernacle of David” at Herrnhut is now being restored, in part to bring to maturity this third great awakening regionally, nationally and internationally.
Faithful to our Fathers
As a son of the Pilgrims, it has been so moving to discover the legacy of the Moravians. Both the Pilgrims and the Moravians were religious refugees, fleeing persecution from dictators who ruled both the political and religious spheres of their respective homelands. Their heart and passion was the same: to develop a beach-head for the gospel that would endure generationally and flood the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
God is so faithful to our forefathers. He is arising in our day to answer not just the cries of this generation, but of countless generations who have gone before us to prepare the way.
Winds at the Watchtower
On Tuesday, a group of us made our way to the legendary watchtower and cemetery on the Herrnhut grounds. Three nations are in view from there—Poland, the Czech Republic, and Germany. For a decade I have studied the precious encounter that prophetic statesman James Goll and team experienced with the Lord. Where suddenly a rushing, mighty wind came in concert with their prayers.
To my surprise, our team had much the same experience! We prophesied the release of the Ezekiel 37 “winds of awakening” securing for Jesus the Great Return. We prophesied the rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David at Herrnhut. As we prayed, the force of the gusts literally began to accelerate. I remember three specific times where the wind picked up as we were praying, and then subsided as we paused.
Releasing Awakening
I shared briefly on the 11-11 awakening at IHOP, about James Goll’s commissioning to restore and release the global Moravian lampstand, and his experience over Purim where a scroll appeared to him with the words written in amber that declared “The Third Great Awakening has begun.” This was similar to James’ prophetic experience where James heard the Lord say, “I commission you to restore and release the global Moravian Lampstand.” He then saw amber letters that formed the words “Prayer Storm.”
And wow how storm winds were blowing! On the watchtower in the natural, a few of us had an unusual sense of being elevated in the spirit over the entire region as we began to pray. It was as though we became a corporate shofar, German and American, to thunder over Herrnhut and the region that “THE THIRD GREAT AWAKENING HAS BEGUN! THE THIRD GREAT AWAKENING HAS BEGUN!”
Date with Destiny
Our prayer session at the watchtower was followed by an absolutely unprecedented time of spontaneous worship at the Jesus Haus prayer room in the afternoon. Four women and a young man from Germany, who had never sung together, began to release heaven’s travail for Israel. They sang together in English, German and even Latin. This was interspersed with high, multilayered praise in antiphonal tongues. It was the unity of harmony. As they sang, God’s emotions were literally imparted, with many weeping and in travail over God’s covenant land.
As they were singing, I began to ponder how such a strong grace was upon us throughout the day. A conversation we had with Sue Ekenberg on the way to the airport flashed through my mind. And I suddenly realized that on the Jewish timetable we had just entered into Shavaot… PENTECOST!
“When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all in one accord in prayer. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.”
Joining Covenantal Legacies
In the evening meeting, our friend Winnie Bauer shared a vision on God’s desire to link Germany and America in Jesus Christ. Another spontaneous time erupted from the heart of God. We Americans repented to our German brothers and sisters of our pride and arrogance. We prayed for the Father’s blessing in the Fatherland, and asked the Lord to join together the covenantal legacy of America, represented by the Pilgrims, with the covenantal legacy of Germany as represented by Herrnhut and the Moravian prayer movement.
This may be a stretch, but I had a tangible perception that a great cloud of witnesses had somehow joined us, with Zinzendorf and Bradford and countless martyrs praising the Lamb of God. We had come into agreement with their very prayers. And we all had the honor of being convened to see heaven’s response in this sacred time.
Song of Unity
Our 24 hours of Pentecost ended with a remarkable revelation by our friend Shannon from Bellingham WA. While leading worship, the Holy Spirit began to unveil further secrets of Christ’s redemption on the cross. How in His hour of agony, Jesus called for Mary to become John’s mother, and for John to care for Mary as his own.
What does this mean? The spirit of adoption was released by Jesus even as He died! She then saw how blood and water flowed together from Christ’s side. Shannon began to sing, “Jesus died for a unified bride! Flowing as one river, flowing from Your side…”
Let this sink deeply into your heart and spirit. Christ’s body and blood have secured not only our redemption, but also our unity. One with Christ, and in Him, one with each other. Echoing Zinzendorf’s prayers… may the Lamb of God receive the full reward of His suffering!
Blessing from Herrnhut
I am convinced we are living in an unprecedented hour of history. Sounds trite to say, but I truly wish you were here. We are praying for you to receive a mighty impartation of the Holy Spirit, for Throne Room winds to awaken and refresh you. May a supernatural synergy be imparted to you as you stand in your identity with others of like precious faith. And we are praying for the new sounds of high praise to be released into your life. May the eyes of the Lord be continually on you. Covenant blessings to each of you from Herrnhut!
"I am convinced we are living in an unprecedented hour of history" - wow. that's latest news, indeed.
don't mean to mock your spiritual experience, just dont overestimate winds on the "prayer tower" - your're very likely to catch a windy day there.
yes, God is faithful and he is on the move. but please, don't narrow our home place to a place of myth with all this vocabulary, as forefathers, transformation, generation etc. etc.
i'm sick of that.
greetings, christoph
Thank you for taking the time to comment. My friend, Jon Hamill--who authored this article and is presently in Herrnhut as I write--is a man of passion concerning the things of God. I don't think he would ever intentionally reduce Herrnhut to a place of "myth" as you suggest. Furthermore, I am somewhat puzzled regarding how such terminology, i.e., forefathers, transformation, generation, would somehow reduce our Christian heritage to that of a myth. Both forefathers and generation are terms used extensively throughout the Old Testament. Transformation, or transformed is used in Romans 12:2 for the individual believer for the purposes of exhorting one to "renew" their mind in the Scriptures (but transformation as a concept is replete within the Bible). If you have an objection that is clearly delineated in Scripture, please share it with us so that we may together seek Christ through the Scriptures as did the noble Bereans in Acts 17:1-9.
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Brian Francis Hume
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