I received this email from a ministry in Texas. Honestly I'm not sure how I got on the mailing list; perhaps I met this guy on one of my ministry trips to Texas. Anyways, I felt compelled by the Lord to post his recent story on this blog.
A Friend Who Died.
It was a Tuesday night bible study at the mission, 12 were in attendance.
It was time to close some prayer request were spoken.
There requests for work and a closer walk of faith, a young girl 23 shared.
That she was a cancer survivor and has been told of a positive results on a test.
She was concerned about her 2 1/2 year old child.
We all held hands and prayed .
I spent some extra time with her and after a big hug I shared that,
God will take care of her.
Wednesday the phone rang and it was this girl she reported,
that her time at the mission was up and she would be out as of Friday AM.
The clock has started and I got into my contacts and started calling.
There was no place available for her and the child.
I contacted a safe house and they agreed to allow her for a few days.
Friday came and we got her settled in and some of the ministry partners
helped with the finances of a bus ticket to get her to her family in Florida.
The funding was completed and ticket purchased.
Monday AM I spent some time with her and the little boy.
Helped with some spending cash to eat on.
We took some pictures and we prayed .After prayer I noticed a necklace that she wore had a pentagram.
She said that a friend who died gave it to her.
I shared that this symbol is not what a christian should have any part with.
I asked her to get rid of it and she hesitated.
I went out to the ministry van and found a cross I brought it to her and said,
"This is from a friend who died He will never leave you and His Father God will take care of you".
She removed the pentagram and replaced it with the Cross.
She gave it to me and I broke it and threw it away.
She met the bus and gave us a call when she arrived home.
She began to cry and share that she believes that God will take care of her.
Bruce Aspgren
PO box 211
Caldwell, Texas 77836-0211
Website: http://www.rockingaministry.com/
Facebook: Bruce Mary Aspgren
This is brbruce
I have 730 contacts and when I do a mail out I get 10 at best that say they read the reports. I thank you and call you friend.
Bless you Bruce! Continue the good work which the Lord is doing through you.
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