It was definitely a wonderful time as we were able to minister one-on-one prophetically to the people of the Redeemed & Empowered Teaching Church and the extended community. Tom had a powerful message titled, "The Plurality of Prophets" that was indeed a needed word to strike the "lone ranger" mentality that pervades prophetic-oriented people at times. Personally I learned so much through my interactions with the whole team. They shared much wisdom with me during the meals of their past experiences and trips. Also I was paired up with Dr. Dooley during the ministry time, which allowed me to observe and learn as he ministered prophetically to people. God has entrusted to Tom a tremendous prophetic gifting and calling.
At the conclusion of the conference, Pastor John and Cherry immediately made plans to have another prophetic conference again next year at the same time. Wise move!
Tom and I also discussed the need for a possible school of the prophets here in Virginia within the year. Please contact me if you are interested in seeing us bring a team to your church or region.
Click here if you want to view all the pictures that I have.

Here is Tom talking with David Davenport prior to David's message on Saturday morning. David gave an excellent message on intimacy with the Lord and the prophetic calling. He is from Ohio and has seen God move mightily in his life in times past. I'll share more later from his writings. Truly he is one who exudes the peace of God. When I first saw him, I kept seeing an image of a key being turned in a lock. After sharing this with him he said that it was a reference to Isaiah 22:22-"I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open." David epitomizes those in the body of Christ whom the Lord is positioning to be commissioned for a new work. Many believers feel that they have missed their “emergence” in years past and are wondering if they will ever be able to fulfill all that God spoke over their lives in years past. I believe David is a first fruit of this re-emergence that is coming forth in this hour.
The Lord gave me a strong prophetic word over two years ago about a re-emergence of those that thought they had missed it in the past. He has called me to call forth the hidden fathers and mothers in the faith to step into this re-emergence that the Lord is sending forth in this hour. I will share more on it in the weeks to come. There are many out there who read this blog who feel that their emergence has passed them by. The Lord is going to prophetically activate and release you into your calling in the coming days that is going to astound many. Prior to the emergence of the upcoming evangelists, prophets, forerunners, and the like, is the re-emergence of the hidden fathers and mothers. God has a company of hidden fathers who will re-emerge with a fresh mantle to bestow upon the sons and daughters. I can see it. It is going to be powerful: David is a first fruit of this movement of fathers that is going to emerge in the coming days.

In all, it was an amazing experience that I am so grateful for. I'm reminded of the absolute necessity of passionately pursuing the Lord in intimacy, which is truly the key to operating in a strong prophetic flow.
For the Cause,
Brian Francis Hume
Wow, Brian, thanks for this post..Im especially taken with this comment: 'Altogether, each person was quite unique in how they operated prophetically.'
I guess in times past I have felt the pressure to be a certain way..and I never really fit the mould of what is commonly called "prophetic"..
I'll be praying for David.. and for you for this Sunday..
Hey bro! I love reading about everything the Lord is doing in and through you. LOVE it.
Hugs to you, Aneta, and baby girl :)
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