Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Non-leadership Books for Leaders

Currently I am putting together an extensive reading list for the leadership training seminar that I am developing for DTRI. This is the contract work that I’ve been working on part-time during the past 20 months. I’ve already compiled a thorough list of books that fall under the leadership category. However, I want to solicit feedback from the readers of my blog for additional books in the following two categories: (1) biographies/autobiographies and (2) non-leadership books that all leaders should read.

Personally I love reading biographies and autobiographies—I derived much inspiration and insights from these sources. Recently I’ve been reading a book by historian Stephen Ambrose called Eisenhower: Soldier and President. This is an excellent book for anyone aspiring to increase their leadership capacity.

Are there any that you highly recommend?

Also I want to explore books outside the traditional leadership genre. This is probably an area that I am weak in with the exception of books in the Christian thought arena. Due to the nature of my work, I will probably not select any books that fall in the Christian category. Possibly you’ve read some fiction books that would be of tremendous value to a leader—please share any that you recommend. Or there could be a book that explores some historical dilemma that is worth noting for its value to the present day challenges that all leaders confront.

Be creative and think of some resources that you would recommend. What are the MUST read books that you would assign to those desiring to become a better leader?

I welcome all feedback.


Brian Francis Hume


worldwindows said...

These may be great:

Leadership Lessons of the Navy Seals - Robert Sutton
The One Thing You Need to Know - Marcus Buckingham
Great Boss - Jeffrey J. Fox
Bringing Out the Best in People - Aubrey C. Daniels
33 strategies of war - Robert Green
Good to Great - Jim Collins

Kingdom Shifts said...


Thank you for taking the time to share your recommendations. Great selections! When I initially sat down with the executive leadership of this company, they pointed out Jim Collins' book, Good to Great, as one that has influenced them deeply. The principles and thoughts of that book are integrated into the overall leadership paradigm that I have developed for them.

Also I noted that you are from Malaysia. Two of my groomsmen in our wedding were from Malaysia. My wife and I met at Christ For the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas where I also met these Malaysians. One of them led worship for us at our wedding. Needless to say, we have a fond place in our hearts for Malaysians! *grin*

God bless you!

Brian Francis Hume

Misty and Wayne said...


Here are a few that come to mind...

Good to great - Collins
The magic of thinking big - Schwartz
Today matters - Maxwell
Servant Leadership - Greenleaf
How to Win Friends & Influence People - Carnegie
The World Is Flat - Friedman
Oh, the Places You'll Go - Seuss

I would love to read the list of books you have down so far.



worldwindows said...

Thanks for the good words on Malaysians. It must the the good food here. I lived in KL.

My mentor in missions for last few years has always recommended this book, 'Good to Great'. So is my current 'boss'. I sent this book to a colleague in Mongolia who is starved of good books.

Christin said...

Hey Brian!

Ironically, I'm currently reading the autobiography of Oral Roberts "Expect a Miracle". So there's one for you. ;)

And I always recommend Dutch Sheets book "Intercessory prayer". We all need to understand the true power of it. Especially those people who are standing in the gap for others (ie. leaders!).

And though it may not be what you're asking for...maybe something on marriage. The list is endless. I believe that if you aren't working to strengthen and keep your marriage safe and strong, you should NOT be in leadership. Period.

maybe I'll have Jet go through a list of books that he had to read when his old church (before moving to marry me) had him read when he was going through a men's year- long group called "Joshua's Men"

Brian said...

Hi Brian, I think Martin Gilberts book Churchill is a great read.

"Such a vision of the Street" on Mother Tereasa

Rudy Guillianos, book "Leadership"

Roy Hatersley's book on "John Wesley"

"Orbitting the giant hairball" Gordon Mackenzie

"Warriors" Max Hasting's