Friday, May 30, 2008

Recommended Books by Campus America

I had some great responses regarding non-leadership books for leaders. I will post the responses over the course of the next week. Stay tuned!

Our first posting is from Wendy Andrews, the national leader for Campus America/24-7 Prayer. She was kind enough to forward me their recommended reading list for students engaged in the prayer movement on the college campuses. I think there are definitely books that would be helpful for a Christian leader regardless of the context in which they operate.

Browse through the list below. Are there any books that surprise you? Are there any books that you would challenge or question regarding their usefulness or content? Have you read any of these recommended books by Campus America that significantly impacted your own life? Are there any that you're going to put on your "must read" list?

I would love to hear your response.

For the Cause,

Brian Francis Hume

PRAYER and FAITH:Introductory: God on Mute – Pete Greig
Is That Really You God? – Loren Cunningham
Prayer – Philip Yancey
Red Moon Rising – Pete Greig
Windows of the Soul – Ken Gire

Deeper: E.M. Bounds on Prayer – E.M. Bounds
Rees Howells: Intercessor – Norman Grubb
With Christ in the School of Prayer – Andrew Murray

Introductory: Irresistible Revolution – Shane Claiborne
Simply Christian – Tom Wright
The Vision and the Vow – Pete Greig
Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith – Rob Bell
What’s So Amazing About Grace – Phillip Yancey

Deeper: Celebration of Discipline – Richard Foster
The Cost of Discipleship – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Divine Conspiracy – Dallas Willard
Repenting of Religion – Greg Boyd

Introductory: The Celtic Way of Evangelism – George Hunter III
Cultivating a Life for God – Neil Cole
Let the Nations Be Glad – John Piper
Master Plan of Evangelism – Robert Coleman
A New Kind of Christian – Brian McLaren

Deeper: Compassion – Henri Nouwen, Donald P. McNeill and Douglas A. Morrison
Exclusion & Embrace – Miroslav Volf
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger – Ron Sider
The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind – Mark Noll

BIBLICAL STUDIES, CHURCH HISTORY and BIOGRAPHIES:Introductory: The Challenge of Jesus – N.T. Wright
Colossians Remixed – Brian J. Walsh & Sylvia C. Keesmaat
Mountain Rain: The Life of James O. Fraser – Eileen Crossman
One Divine Moment: The Asbury Revival – Robert Coleman (Editor)
Passion for God's Story – Philip Greenslade
A Passion for Souls: The Life of D.L. Moody – Lyle Dorsett

Deeper: Firefall: How God Has Shaped History Through Revivals – McDow & Reid
The Gospel of the Kingdom – George Eldon Ladd
The Radical Wesley – Howard Snyder
Streams of Living Water – Richard Foster

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