Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pre-Call Rally in Fredericksburg

Come join us for a Pre-Call rally led by leaders of the Call to prepare for the day of massive prayer and fasting on the Mall in Washington D.C. on August 16. The pre-Call rally will be held at Grace Church of Fredericksburg on July 20, 2008 at 6 PM. Come and join us for worship and intercession for the event and a message from the leaders of the Call! For more info visit the website at

For directions to the church click here.
To see the Call promo video click here.

About TheCall

TheCall is a divinely initiated, multi-racial, multi-generational, and cross-denominational gathering to corporate prayer and fasting. We believe that our nation is in desperate need of the mercy of God and a great Spiritual Awakening. TheCall is committed to mobilizing people from all across America to gather together to petition God for His undeserved mercy for our nation in 12-hour solemn assemblies. Just as in the days of Joel, we believe that now is the time to blow the trumpet across our land, to fast, to pray, and return to the Lord with all our hearts.In the midst of an "entertainment" driven society, TheCall does not seek to entertain, but to encounter God. Unlike other mass gatherings which attract people through the rhythms of loud music, the glamour of flashing lights, or through the appeal of charismatic personalities, TheCall is a gathering centered around the affections of a loving God. There will be no advertised bands and no promoted speakers, as our purpose is not to promote any man or ministry. TheCall is a FAST not a festival. TheCall is a SOLEMN ASSEMBLY not a conference. Whereas conferences focus primarily on training and discipleship, the 12 hours of TheCall are spent primarily before the Lord in the place of prayer and worship. We believe the hour is late and the times are urgent. Our nation is in desperate need of revival and it will be only through the corporate body of Christ uniting in the place of prayer that we will find any hope in this hour. We believe we can see our nation changed as the Lord pours out His Spirit and brings refreshing to the broken, destitute, and the weary across our land.

History of TheCall

In 1997 our nation witnessed one of the largest Christian gatherings in American history. The Promise Keepers, a ministry specifically focused on igniting men with a passion for Jesus, gathered a million men on the National Mall in Washington DC to call men across our nation to a lifestyle of purity and godliness. A man named Lou Engle was deeply impacted by this highly profound event and burdened with a God-given dream. The vision was to raise up a corresponding youth movement to cry out to God for a revival to sweep across America. . Two years after the inception of this dream, a woman approached Lou Engle and asked if he had ever considered putting young people on the Mall like the Promise Keepers did in 1997. Taken back and amazed, Lou replied that two years prior he had been burdened with a dream to see the youth of our nation gathering at the National Mall. He confessed he actually prophesied this coming gathering would be a sign from God that there was still hope for our nation. The woman promptly wrote a check for $100,000, setting into action a whole chain of supernatural events that would eventually result in the TheCall DC on September 2nd, 2000. God's blessing was clearly manifest throughout the day as the presence of the Holy Spirit infused the prayer, worship and intermittent words of encouragement from our nations spiritual leaders. The result of one man's obedience to the God-given dream was an attendance of over 400,000 young people. After this TheCall DC in September 2000, TheCall was exported across the nation to twelve different locations, each one gathering thousands of people hungry for a movement of God. Rather than promoting man's good ideas, these massive gatherings were spent in corporate fasting, prayer, and worshiping before God. Specific regional issues were confronted in each gathering in the place of prayer. In each Call, issues such as racism, sexual immorality and abortion were brought into light and repented for corporately by the body of Christ. In New York, Dallas, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Nashville, and Kansas City, a movement of prayer and fasting has filled stadiums with the sounds of worship and the incense of prayer. This divinely-initiated movement of repentance has extended beyond the narrow borders of America as TheCall has traveled to Australia, Germany, the Philippines, Norway, England and Israel. Today TheCall is marching across our land to Washington D.C. to come together for a historic gathering on August 16, 2008. We believe that our nation is in a critical hour and in desperate need of revival. While our society's moral compass continues to erode the faith of our nation is becoming increasingly secularized. The world in its rebellion violently pursues the fulfillment of all fleshly desires, yet the church has fallen prey to many of the same sins that plague our society. Even within the church truth has been substituted for spiritual relativism and religious tolerance. Sexual immorality, racism, and abortion are just as prevalent from our pews and pulpits as they are in our secular universities. We are in an hour of crisis, an hour when we have to confront our own spiritual barrenness as the church and in the place of prayer cry out to God for mercy on our nation and revival in our land. Our hope in this hour is in God and God alone. On August 16, 2008 we are calling for 1,000,000 people to again gather together in the National Mall to fast and to pray for God to pour out His undeserved mercy on our land.

To see video endorsements of the Call from major Christian leaders click here.

Tara Gourley
Administrative Assistant
Grace Church of Fredericksburg
1141 Heatherstone Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
(540) 785-2273

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish you the best of luck on this great event. There is a great spiritual awakening that is taking place around the world at this moment. God is not turning a deaf ear on us, he is just waiting for us to just ask for his help and guidance.